Research Academy Workshop (Research Academy)

WORKSHOP by: EAAE Research Academy. Published: February 1, 2022.

Research Charter Revisited – RA Workshop 4

Dear members of the EAAE Research Academy Workgroup, dear researchers.

Welcome to the new workshop series.

In 2022, the Research Charter celebrates 10 years. There is a chance to incorporate our research-impact related thoughts into the refreshed document. On top of that, the refreshment can take some other ideas into accout, where we can root and frame our research-impact discussions.

After our last policy-paper related meeting, the research circumstances have changed rapidly, especially with the New European Bauhaus initiative, the EAAE NEB partnership, the involvement of the EAAE in the New European Bauhaus Collective (NEBC) and the participation of EAAE at the NEBC conference in April 2021. This is where RA and EA joined their ‘forces’, organizing discussion labs together with other actors. The report summarises key learnings and findings of the conference. Another related document, relevant for the current discussion, is the EAAE Oslo Pledge for Climate Crisis and Sustainable Future from the EAAE Dean’s Summit. Last but not least, some of us share the experiences from the collective experiential evaluation of (artistic and) design-driven research during the CA2RE/CA2RE+ events. The last one was in Ljubljana. Others are kindly invited to join the ‘club’! The next one is in Delft.

In the EAAE council we developed the idea to discuss the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in relation to education and research together: Research Academy, Education Academy and Conservation Network. During the  Workshop Series on SDGs in Architectural Education the RA group intends to refresh the discussions about the research impact from the Zagreb and Valencia workshops, the experiences from the RA projects and to contextualize  those discussions into the SDG framework. The result of this RA series is the draft of the Charter updates.

This workshop is part of a Workshop Series on SDG’s in the architectural education, feel free to join! The RA internal debate is scheduled from 18.00 to 19.00, after the SDG presentation. More info: Tadeja Zupančič (








February 11, 2022




EAAE Research Academy