Research Academy
The EAAE is convinced of the benefits of establishing a platform for collection, exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experience on Architectural Research. Moreover, such a platform will offer mutual inspiration through sharing and discussing good-practices and thought-provoking concepts. In view of the educational mission of EAAE, main focus will be on PhD education.
Architectural Research in Europe takes many shapes, and research develops within several paradigms and perspectives. However, the information remains dispersed. So, there is a need for making a state of affairs. The Research Academy aims to collect and discuss existing research positions and new developments. It maintains a database of periodicals and undertakes activities to support supervisors of PhD projects.
The Research Academy wants to be a think-tank, articulating and promoting common concerns and interest in architectural research. It offers a platform for reflecting upon, and responding to topical issues, thus revealing and underpinning actions, claims, and positions to be taken, inside and outside of EAAE.
Download the programme: EAAE-RA_2018-2020 (bubble diagram 2018.02.03)