Ongoing Projects (Research Academy)
Architectural Periodicals Database
This project establishes a continuity with the work done by the Periodicals Working Group of the EAAE Research Committee, in developing a database of architectural periodicals. Keeping this publication mapping updated is the first objective; giving greater visibility on the website to data collected, is the second. To complete the usefulness of this project, it is also proposed to show the topic diversity by discussing on publication policies (open access, peer review process…) and assessment (indexing). The collected data will allow the EAAE RA to provide a regular report on Architectural Publications. An Architectural Periodical Browser on the EAAE website is also proposed, as a novel and helpful tool for academics. The new database is available here.
Project Coordinator: Débora Domingo Calabuig
CA²RE Conference for Artistic and Architectural REsearch
The Architectural Research European Network Association – ARENA, the European Association for Architectural Education – EAAE and the European League of Institutes of the Arts – ELIA are together seeking to offer a joint platform for research in all fields of architecture, design and arts. This also includes subjects such as environmental design, sustainable development, interior design, landscape architecture, urban design/urbanism, music, performing arts, visual arts, product design, social design, interaction design, etc. One of the objectives in doing so is to support early-career researchers and PhD students in the fields of architecture and the arts to improve the quality of their research. Another objective is to show that senior researchers CARE about the work that is being done by more junior researchers.
CA²RE is intended to bring together senior staff and early-career researchers to improve research quality through intensive peer reviewing at key intermediate stages. It wishes to contribute to the open and diverse field that exists in architectural and artistic research, not giving any priority to any single approach.
From 1.1.2019 to 31.10.2022 the CA²RE events are enriched by the CA²RE+ project, the Erasmus+ Strategic Parthership entitled Collective Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training.
Project Contact at EAAE RA: Tadeja Zupančič
CA²RE+ Collective Evaluation on Design Driven Doctoral Training
The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership CA2RE+ develops a collective learning environment through Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training. Design Driven Doctoral research (DDDr) is taken as a multidisciplinary example of an experiential learning-through-evaluation model, appropriate for identification and promoting relevance of research singularity, its transparency and recognition, to award excellence in doctoral training for creative and culturally rooted solutions of contemporary design driven developments. The CA2RE+ project starts in September 2019 and represents a trigger of the CA2RE conference developments.
Erasmus+ Project KA2-HE-11/19 (Agreement Number: 19-203-060565)
Project Coordinator: Tadeja Zupančič
Policy Paper
The policy paper on areas for research in architecture intends to identify areas within architectural education and practice where research funds are needed in order to expand and sustain the creative industry. It will present an argument for investing in niche areas to develop the architectural research capacity that will also have a pedagogic impact, feature an indicative case study section and propose criteria for awardees. The initial topics of the policy paper development discussions from the RA 2019 events include and are not limited to:
- Critical masses of architectural research;
- Impact evidence of non-written production;
- Architecture as a recognized research discipline.
Please feel free to contact Tadeja Zupančič or Débora Domingo Calabuig and join the RA workgroup to make this policy paper relevant for all the EAAE member schools!
A-Place - Linking Places through Networked Artistic Practices
Placemaking can play a key role in the creation of an identity, both individual and collective. The interaction between people and the spaces they inhabit endows them with meanings, that is, it turns them into places. Artistic practices can help reveal the multiple meanings that a place embodies, or create new ones.
The purpose of A-Place is to design and implement artistic activities -including performances, installations, debates, video and photographic productions- that contribute to the creation of places. The activities that will be carried out in six European cities – Barcelona, Bologna, Brussels, Lisbon, Ljubljana, and Nicosia -, will enable to interlink meanings and experiences associated to places, beyond cultural and geographical boundaries. Moreover, placemaking provides an opportunity to explore the creation of new learning spaces, by integrating pedagogical activities into the cultural, social and physical milieu. In this regard, the purpose of A-Place is to create cross-disciplinary learning spaces that emerge from the confluence of placemaking with the educational programmes.
Members of different communities (academic, art, local) will participate as co-creators of a network of places that will arise from the interventions carried out in the participating cities. The results of these activities will be exhibited at three international festivals participating in the project: Loop Festival in Barcelona, Urban Visions in Bologna, and Pame Kaimakli in Nicosia. In addition, the work done in the project will be shared in a digital platform in order to explore the multiple relationships between places, actors and artistic practices.
CREATIVE EUROPE Cooperation Project (Agreement number 607457-CREA-1-2019-1-ES-CULT-COOP2)
Main Contact: Leandro Madrazo Agudin – La Salle, Ramon-Lull University, Barcelona
Project Contact at EAAE RA: Tadeja Zupančič