The first EAAE Deans Summit
Dear Colleagues,
The preparations for the first EAAE Deans Summit, that will take place on 22 and 23 April 2021, are in full swing. The topic “Change the game – take responsibility – nurture sustainability – change the world” addresses the growing capacity and intensity of our possibilities to intervene urgent issues like climate change. The second day will focus on the future of the universities. We are looking forward to welcoming the deans of EAAE member schools. The number of participants is limited, registration is open!
The group of organisations around the signatories of the New European Bauhaus statement is growing and is now officially called New European Bauhaus Collective (NEBC). In the meantime, the EU’s NEB Team has launched a series of information sessions to present the opportunities to contribute to the initiative. We would like to draw your attention to the session that takes place on 23 February about “youth sector and universities”.
We are looking for candidates for hosting the EAAE Annual Conference and General Assembly 2022. Please find the call here. We encourage you to submit your proposal until 21 May 2021 to the EAAE Secretariat. The event is an excellent opportunity for the hosting school to take an active role and position in the promotion of the discourse concerning architectural education in Europe.
We invite EAAE member schools to participate in the pan-European Erasmus+ strategic partnership study, entitled Architecture’s Afterlife, by disseminating a survey whose principal aim is to identify the multi-sector impact of an architecture degree within the context of Europe and the extent to which skills taught to architecture students are needed in other sectors.
Further reminders for upcoming events:
- Education Academy workshop series: Workshop 2 “Working alone together” 5 March 2021; 2 April 2021. Registration is open.
- CA²RE and CA²RE+ event from 24–28 March 2021 hosted by the Hafencity University Hamburg. Registration is open.
- The 2nd joint EAAE/ACSA Teachers Conference from 24–26 June 2021 at Pratt Institute, New York. Registration will open soon.
- The Annual Conference and General Assembly from 25–27 August 2021 at CTU in Prague. Registration will open soon.
It is my very sad duty to inform you that Nils-Ole Lund, EAAE President from 1987–1991, recently passed away. We are grateful for his contributions to EAAE and its cause and will remember him with great respect.
Best regards,
Oya Atalay Franck
President EAAE