EAAE Annual Conference and General Assembly, in Prague 25.- 27.08.2021 (hybrid) – Proceedings online
Proceedings of the EAAE Annual Conference 2021 in Prague: https://eaae2021.fa.cvut.cz/news/conference-proccedings/
New Dimensions
We feel we are at the start of new dimensions of our profession. The increase in scale and the overlapping of disciplines in the fields of architecture – urbanism – landscape architecture in current practice needs to be reflected in current education. We invite you to join the EAAE Annual Conference entitled New Dimensions, which will take place in Prague from 25.08.- 27.08.2021.
The traces of cultural and non-cultural human activity on landscapes and cities have increasingly impressed themselves on the face of the Earth. The consequences of the past 150 years are serious, and have brought us to the start of a new era. Nature and the landscape – not only the built environment – are becoming the object of a consciously planned and regulated landscape-creation, with a balanced proportion of use, care and protection. In Europe, a wilderness is not, and never can be, a true wilderness, but “only” a deliberately planned unregulated area whose extent and regulation level have been the subject of social agreement. All of Europe is becoming a regulated and consciously shaped territory. The increasing value of carefully planned landscape and built environment will require an increasing number of experts trained to tackle these large scale hybrid tasks and projects.
With the growing capacity and intensity of our possibilities to change the world, there is an increase in the scale of our interventions and influences on the environment, accompanied by the almost limitless communication connectivity of society in the physical and virtual spheres. The Earth has grown, in relative terms, smaller- yet in contrast, the problems associated with it are growing larger. Globalisation provides a global extent and format for problems on the macro and micro scales, such as global warming, water management, sustainable development of cities and landscapes, the “development” of transportation, migration and assimilation, etc., in an ever more troubling and unignorable form. This increase in scale and the overlapping of disciplines in the fields of architecture – urbanism – landscape architecture in current practice needs to be reflected in current education. This is the “new dimension of our profession”.
The conference is organized by the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague. We look forward to offering you a personal welcome in Prague. In addition to the specialized program, we also planned tours of Prague with expert commentary and a day trip to Brno. The day trip consists of a visit to Villa Tugendhat and the renowned Sonberk winery, which combines excellent architecture with great wine.
Check the website here.
For the full programme click here.
Please register here – early bird registration till 15.07.2021
Check the current Covid 19 rules in the Czech republic here
EAAE General Assembly, 27.08.2021, 2.30 pm:
Meet the EAAE Council Candidates 2021 here
Please register for the Annual Conference and General Assembly before 22 August. If you cannot attend the Annual Conference but only want to participate online in the General Assembly, you can register here.
The agenda can be found below.
Only full members who have paid their annual contribution until 30 June 2021 have voting right at the General Assembly. Per member school only one official representative can be registered and participate in the Assembly. Associate members can participate but are not entitled to vote.
New members can register and will be eligible to vote after the approval of their membership in the GA.
Each full member institution can be represented by a proxy holder who has to be the official representative of a full member institution. Each official representative can hold up to four proxies in addition to the vote of his/her own member institution. If you want to give proxy, please fill in the proxy form before 22 August.
Quorum is established by the participation or representation of one third of the full members at the General Assembly. Decisions are made by simple majority of the full members present or represented.
For questions, please contact secretariat@eaae.be
CTU University of Prague
Sponsored by VELUX