Research Academy Workshop (Research Academy)

WORKSHOP by: EAAE Research Academy. Published: October 15, 2016.

1st Workshop: PhD education in Europe and the database of periodicals

On 13th and 14th of October 2016 the first meeting of the Research Academy took place at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana. Fifteen EAAE members attended the meeting. The meeting was productive and inspiring. Two main topics were discussed.

First, the PhD programmes of 13 schools were presented and discussed. This provided a better understanding concerning the variety and specificities of PhD programmes in Europe. Furthermore, a questionnaire intended to map third cycle education in the schools of architecture in Europe was discussed and improved. It is expected that this will be sent to all member schools in the near future.

As a second topic, the members present discussed the current situation of the periodicals database available through the EAAE website. Suggestions for improvement and further action were discussed.

PhD education in Europe

Most schools of architecture have now established PhD/doctoral programmes (third cycle). It has now become time to exchange information and learn from experiences. The following topics were discussed:

  • How is PhD education structured (duration, formal requirements, …)?
  • How is it linked to the bachelor and master education?
  • How many PhD students are there in Architecture?
  • What is the role of PhD education in the schools of architecture?
  • What are the experiences in supervising PhD candidates?
  • What can we learn from each other? What can be improved?
  • Etc.


The database of periodicals

This work intends to establish continuity with the work done by the Periodicals Working Group of the former EAAE Research Committee, in developing a database of architectural periodicals. Keeping this mapping publications updated is a first objective, giving greater visibility on the website to data collected, is the second. During the Ljubljana meeting two issues were discussed:

  • What? Framing the Database: Fileds to be considered for the architectural periodicals. The database was created a few years ago, and the data collected from each publication should be discussed under an updated perspective. What kind of publications will be accepted? Which will be the data required to submit a new publication? These and many other questions should set up a list of fields framing the database.
  • Who & How? Workflow & Layout: Feeding and showing the updated database. The continuous updating of the database needs an effective working structure, representing all the countries participants in the EAAE. The workflow should ensure continuous feeding of the database. At the same time, a decision should be made about the visibility of the database, both from the point of view of the infographics on the web, and from the dissemination of this new consultation tool for researchers.


Organizing Committee

Johan Verbeke (EAAE, Research Academy)
Susanne Komossa (EAAE, Research Academy)
Gunnar Parelius (EAAE, Research Academy)


October 13, 2016


Ljubljana, Slovenia