Research Academy Workshop (Research Academy)

WORKSHOP by: EAAE Research Academy. Published: May 3, 2019.

CA²RE and CA²RE+ Ghent

6th CA²RE Conference for Artistic and Architectural Research


1st CA²RE+ event series Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training




Practice & Design Driven Research

With CA²RE, the Architectural Research European Network Association (ARENA), the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) are seeking to offer a joint platform for research in all fields of architecture, design and arts.

CA²RE will be hosted in October 2019 at KU Leuven in Ghent, Belgium in association with ARENA, EAAE and ELIA.

CA²RE is intended to bring together senior staff, advanced researchers and early-career researchers to understand, scrutinise and improve research quality through an intensive peer review.  It wishes to contribute to the open and diverse fields that exist in architectural and artistic research, to include subjects such as environmental design, sustainable development, interior design, landscape architecture, urban design/urbanism, music, performing arts, visual arts, product design, social design, interaction design, etc.

Practice & Design Driven Research encompasses many different forms of research in which (architectural and artistic) practice, and the results thereof, are implemented as means to generate and disseminate new knowledge. This includes contemporary alternative formulations of the field, like: Artistic Research, Research by Design, Practice Based/Led Research, Creative Practice Research.


Early Stage Research and Advanced Research
One of the objectives is to support early-career researchers and PhD students in the fields of architecture and the arts, design and architecture in order to improve and contribute to the quality of their research.   Another objective is to welcome post-doctoral and more advanced researchers in the said fields to present and discuss their practice based – and/or design driven research.  CA²RE wishes to establish a supportive environment where researchers engaged in Phd or post-doctoral research can contribute to a collective learning environment.

The event invites researchers, at any stage of their research, to meet and participate in two-way discussions.  For one hour, researchers and practitioners can present their research project to experienced researchers and have their work discussed by international panels in these diverse fields.


The KU Leuven CA²RE event in Ghent is the sixth conference in the CA²RE series, past events have been the following:

  1. CA²RE Ghent, April 2017 – KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Belgium
  2. CA²RE Ljubljana, September 2017 – University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia
  3. CA²RE Aarhus, April 2018 – Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark
  4. CA²RE Berlin, October 2018 – TU Berlin, Germany
  5. CA²RE Lisbon, April 2019 – University of Lisbon, Portugal

Further editions will be hosted in other cities across Europe.



During this two-day event, the selected participants will present their research for 25 minutes each, which will be subsequently discussed and peer-reviewed by an international panel, composed of senior researchers and post-docs, for 30 minutes.

There will be three categories available for submission with each their own protocol :

1/ Practice & Design Driven Research PAPER submission

Submissions for this category are subject to a TWO stage double blind review process.

2/ Practice & Design Driven Research ARTEFACT submission

Submissions for this category are subject to a TWO stage double blind review process.

3/ Practice & Design Driven Research ABSTRACT submission

Submissions for this category are subject to a ONE stage double blind review process.



Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training

The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership CA²RE+ develops a collective learning environment through Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training. Design Driven Doctoral research (DDDr) is taken as a multidisciplinary example of an experiential learning-through-evaluation model, appropriate for identification and promoting relevance of research singularity, its transparency and recognition, to award excellence in doctoral training for creative and culturally rooted solutions of contemporary design driven developments.

To support the CA²RE with the  CA²RE+ meta-level discourse and Erasmus+ encouragement, the partnership gathers the most active  members of the CA²RE community.


2019-06-02  |  abstract submission deadline / registration opens
2019-06-21  |  notification of acceptance - stage 1
2019-08-20  |  full paper/artefact submission deadline
2019-08-31  |  notification of acceptance - stage 2
2019-09-15  |  poster submission & registration deadline
2019-10-02  |  CA2RE+ event
2019-10-04  |  CA2RE conference



October 4, 2019



KU Leuven

Faculty of Architecture