VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Architecture)
Ostrava 8, CZ
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Architecture)
Ludvika Podeste 1875
708 00 Ostrava - Poruba

N 49° 50' 42.98'', E 49° 50' 42.98''

Mgr. Marcela Maturová 
International office assistant
e: marcela.maturova@vsb.cz
t: +420597321979
prof. Ing. Martina Peřinková Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
Degree programmes
Bachelor: Czech, English
Master: Czech, English
Faculty profile

The Faculty of Civil Engineering is one of the strongest faculties of VSB - Technical University of Ostrava. We offer Bachelor´s, Master´s and Ph.D. studies in full-time and part-time form of study programs focused on civil engineering and architecture.  The faculty participates in many important projects in the area of research and development with universities all over the world.

Ostrava - the metropolis of the Moravian-Silesian region is one of the largest cities in the Czech Republic. It has got a very advantageous strategic position - it is located about 10 kilometres south of the Polish border and 50 kilometres west of the Slovak border. The distance from Ostrava to Praha is 360 km, to Brno 170 km, to the Polish City of Katowice 90 km, and to Vienna 310 km. There are the rivers of Odra, Ostravice, Opava, and Lučina flowing through the city. The international airport is located close to Ostrava a direct railway and motorway connection with metropoles of the surrounding countries. The public transportation system network in Ostrava is perfectly organized, and very cheap for students.


Faculty of Civil Engineering:

Offer: 2 study programmes of Civil Engineering + Architecture and Construction

Total number of students (2022/2023) Civil Eng +  Arch: 890 students (647 Bachelor, 243 Master), 59 foreign students

- of which students of Architecture: 306 (247 Bachelor, 59 Master), 13 foreign students


166 staff members (126 academics).


Student activities

Erasmus Student Network VSB-TUO. Workshops, lectures and competitions are organized year-round.



CAD - Lab

Computer Rooms

Computing service

Large auditoriums


Exhibition Room

Lecture Rooms


Modelling room

Plot centre

Printing facilities

Design studios - ateliers



University provides accommodation for 2800 students in the university dormitories located on the campus. The Faculty is located within walking distance of 15 minutes from the dormitories.

Website: accommodation.vsb.cz

Admission Requirements

For Bachelor degrees: Certificate of higher secondary education, motivation letter, Certificate of English language knowledge

For Master degrees: BA in Architecture or equivalent, motivation letter, Certificate of English language knowledge


No entrance exams, assessment of the motivation letter is crucial.





Tuition fees

Study in Czech – for free

Study in English – 100 000 CZK per academic year (aprox. 4 200 EUR).

Living expenses around 450 EUR/month.


Application Deadline

Study in Czech: November.

Study in English – 28 February and 31 May


Bachelor, Architecture and Construction, 4 years, Bc. (eq. Bachelor of Science), Czech, English, 240,
Master, Architecture and Contruction, 2 years, Ing. arch. (eq. Master of Science in Architecture degree), Czech, English, 120,

The bachelor study program in Architecture and Civil Engineering provides the first degree of architectural education. The focus of the course is based on studio work while mastering all the basic building technical subjects. An integral part of the teaching are also subjects of architecture, art and humanities. The study program is oriented to mastering the design craft and the possibility of employment in practice, but also to the possibility of continuing study in the follow-up master’s study program and obtaining a full-fledged architectural education. The acquired pumice of technical knowledge makes it possible to continue in the master’s degree in other construction branches. A graduate after completing a 4-year bachelor study program will receive a bachelor’s degree (Bc.)


Study in Czech: https://www.fast.vsb.cz/cs/studium/bakalarske-studium/studijni-programy/

Study in English: https://www.fast.vsb.cz/en/study/bachelor-degree/study-programmes/

The two-year master’s degree in Architecture and Civil Engineering is a continuation of the four-year bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Civil Engineering in the same field of study. The emphasis in the master’s study is on architectural design and building disciplines, which are an integral part of every construction work. The two-year program includes courses in architecture and urban design with a major emphasis on studio work. The studio also includes interior design.


Study in Czech: https://www.fast.vsb.cz/cs/studium/magisterske-studium/Studijni-programy/

Study in English: https://www.fast.vsb.cz/en/study/master-degree/study-programmes/

Faculty of Civil Engineering in its research activities focuses on the area of usability, reliability and durability of building structures, on the research of advanced building materials and structures. Other research activities are aimed at issues of modern energy-efficient buildings, problems of transportation structures and engineering constructions, geotechnics and foundation engineering, construction in areas affected by industrial activity, and also on the issue of modern architecture and urbanism.


Areas of research in the field of architecture:

  • concept of development of border regions of Poland and the Czech Republic, especially the Silesia region
  • urban design of former mines and wider surroundings
  • architecture of existing buildings of former mines
  • conversion of former industrial sites and buildings
  • urbanism of cities.