School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering
School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering
Tössfeldstrasse 11, P.O. Box
Winterthur 8401
N 47° 29' 36.47'', E 47° 29' 36.47''
Head of school
The Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW is one of the largest and most productive universities of applied sciences in Switzerland, with a strong presence both nationally and internationally. Among the ZHAW’s distinguishing features are interdisciplinarity and a close connection to everyday working practice.
About 14'500 students are enrolled at the ZHAW in a total of 33 Bachelor’s degree programmes and 20 consecutive Master’s programmes. The university also offers a broad range of continuing education courses, including 58 Master's of Advanced Studies programmes. 8 schools at the ZHAW network their resources to provide business and industry with customised services.
The school is situated on the Zurich University of Applied Sciences Campus «Tössfeld» near the medieval city centre of Winterthur. Owing to a very important role in the Swiss industrialization in the 19th and 20th century, Winterthur in general but especially the Campus «Tössfeld» offers a rich environment of industrial heritage. The School of Architecture is located in the former boiler foundry of the famous Sulzer Brothers engineering company. The building has been converted into a huge learning space in 1991 and the Architecture degree programmes greatly profit from the innovative style of the large, open study space in the former factory building. Winterthur’s art museums offer an impressive collection of European masterpieces ranging from the Late Middle Ages to the present day.
430 students (360 Bachelor, 70 Master, 0 PhD), 5% of foreign students.
125 staff members (10 full-time and approx. 115 visiting lecturers and critics).
Departmental events such as lectures, architecture exhibitions, competitions and festivities; Zurich University of Applied Sciences Student’ Association; Sports facilities.
Support to find accommodation can be provided. cf.
cf. website (
CHF 720 per term (for residents in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland)
CHF 1220 per term (for students from abroad without Swiss Passport)
End of April (Bachelor programme, start autumn semester)
End of May (Master programme, start autumn semester)
End of November (Master programme, start spring semester)
Bachelor of Arts in Architektur
Master, Master of Arts ZFH in Architecture, 2-year programme, Master, 120,
Master of Arts in Architektur
The School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering includes the two curricula Architecture (Bachelor/Master) and Civil Engineering (Bachelor/Master).
The architecture studies have two stages:
– The 3-year bachelor studies (6 semesters), which end with the Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (BA), allowing a professional activity, are the basis for the 2-year master studies (4 semesters), which end with the Master of Arts in Architecture (MA).
– The Master degree is recognized in the European Union, meeting the respective standards (EU-Guideline 85/384/EWG; International Union of Architects (UIA) and UNESCO). The Swiss recommendations and guidelines for introducing the two-stage studies according to the «Bologna Declaration» are also taken into account.
The Bachelor studies are structured in semester modules and include 180 Credits. The acquisition of experiences in studio based learning and in self-learning is key. It is also very important to work together with the students of the Bachelor in Civil Engineering during the entire study-period. During the 1st year of studies the perception and development of architectural, constructive and creative concepts is taught. Students acquire important experiences through analytical and draft exercises. Lecture courses, seminars and trips serve to deepen thematic focus points theoretically and to combine them with practice. Students learn and practice written, oral and visual presentation techniques. Furthermore, the fundamentals of natural sciences and liberal arts necessary for the main studies are deepened. During the 2nd and 3rd year of studies, theory-based project classes in ateliers and the acquisition of specialized basic knowledge (building physics/material technology, building realisation, household technology and supportive structure/foundation) form the two complementary poles of education. During the 3rd year, due to professionally applied optional compulsory modules, it is possible to follow individual interests. The final projects include architectural as well as technical, ecological, economic, cultural and social problems. Students have the possibility of studying one semester at one of our partner schools: Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia / Escola Tècnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona / Universidade do Minho, Guimarães / Kingston University London / Universität der Künste UdK, Berlin / Hochschule München / Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / Universiteit Antwerpen / School of Architecture CEPT, Ahmedabad (India).
The Master studies are the perfect continuation of the Bachelor studies, enlarging the professional perspectives for architects. The studies are modularly structured and include 120 Credits. Within the framework of the close relation between theory and research the two Institutes for Urban Landscape and for Constructive Design fulfil important tasks in the master studies: – The Institut for Urban Landscape concentrates on changes in the landscape and settlement area und on the relation between infrastructure and land. – The Institute for Constructive Design deals with the main questions of the interaction between constructions, space, form and context, when buildings are designed. Projects and workshops together with European partner schools supplement the achievements realized at Winterthur. Students also have the possibility of studying one semester at one of our partner schools: Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia / Escola Tècnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona / Universidade do Minho, Guimarães / Kingston University London / Universität der Künste UdK, Berlin / Hochschule München / Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / Universiteit Antwerpen / School of Architecture CEPT, Ahmedabad (India).
The Master studies are laid out as a vertical atelier, where praxis-related tasks of Urban Landscape and Constructive Design are dealt with from a design and research perspective. Together with formulating and dealing with the tasks, the design process itself is an important didactic element. Per semester there are two study-weeks for workshops and trips. Research modules in Urban Landscape and Constructive Design accompanied by lecture courses and seminars complete the master studies. With their master thesis the students demonstrate and test their knowledge and skills acquired during three semesters within a framework of an exemplary and explicit formulation of a problem.
In both institutes Urban Landscape and Constructive Design as well as in the Centre for Building Technologies and Processes, lecturers, research associates and assistants from various fields of activity come together in a team, which processes theme-based assignments form following fields: theory, research and development, service and further training.