Politecnico di Milano
Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Milano, IT
Politecnico di Milano
Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Via Ampere, 2
20133 Milano

N 45° 28' 55.29'', E 45° 28' 55.29''

Prof. Ilaria  Valente 
EAAE Representative
e: presidenza-auic@polimi.it
t: +39 02 2399.2601
f: +39 02 2399.2610
prof. Andrea Campioli 
Dean of School
Degree programmes
Bachelor of Science
Master of Science
Faculty profile

The Politecnico di Milano was established in 1863 by scholars and entrepreneurs. Over the years, it has been the home institution to most prominent professors. Politecnico di Milano is now one of the most reknown European universities in Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design. Since 1865, the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering has claimed to a consolidated tradition that juxtaposes Architectural studies to Engineering, alongside an educational model, which has earned a consistent reputation in Italy and abroad.

Among the professors, there are prominent personalities of the Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering scene; over time, among the graduates, there are leading architects who work in Italy and in International contexts as Renzo Piano, Franco Albini, Ludovico Barbiano Belgiojoso, Piero Bottoni, Achille Castiglioni, Franca Helg, Tomas Maldonado, Piero Portaluppi, Paolo Portoghesi, Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Aldo Rossi, Marco Zanuso.

PROGRAMMES The School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering trains graduates skilled in design and construction, capable of tackling contemporary issues,in a responsible way, working on buildings and open spaces, cities and rural areas and on landscapes; paying attention to the safeguard and to the rehabilitation of the cultural heritage, the sustainability of constructions and the transformation of the existing architectural, urban and environmental resources. The focus of the Programmes is the Project, understood to be the synthesis of knowledge, set in the founding principles of polytechnic education, combining the best contributions in the Humanities and the Arts, with exacting technical science. The close relationship between training and research, carried out in the Departments, forms a School for production of knowledge, innovation and advanced cultural development. The Schools offers Bachelor of Science in Architectural Design, Urban Planning: Cities, Environment and Landscape;Building and Construnction Engineering; Master of Science in: Architecture and Urban Design; Architecture_Built Enviroment_Interiors; Building Architecture; Landscape Architecture; Urban Planning and Policy Design; Management of Built  Environment (Milano  Leonardo Campus); Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design (Piacenza Campus); Architectural Design and History (Mantova Campus); Building Engineering-Architecture (Lecco Campus); Building and Architectural Engineering (Milano and Lecco Campuses).


The School of Architecture is located in Milan, via Ampére 2

7300 students (5000 Bachelor, 2300 Master, 0 PhD), 10% of foreign students.

750 staff members (220 full-time and approx. 530 visiting lecturers and critics).

Student Activities

Students can find support and help in administrative and logistic or organizational issues. A specific desk for international and exchange students in the “Segreteria Studenti”, gives all the necessary information about bureaucratic procedures and administrative offices to apply to. Politecnico di Milano offers a wide array of cultural activities both promoted by the University and by its numerous Student Unions. For all the information related to student life and services please visit http://www.polinternational.polimi.it/life/


All students enrolled at Politecnico di Milano for the Academic Year 2010/2011 can apply for residences. The Politecnico di Milano has special arrangements with several dormitories, located nearby its Campuses. Valuable help and information may be found at “Webcasa”, a free-access portal open to all Politecnico students which can be accessed from http://webcasa.poliself.it
For further information on accommodation in Milan, please e-mail to: residenze@polimi.it

Admission Requirements

The admission requirements depend on the programme.

Tuition fees

Fees range from € 842,00 to € 3.465,00 per year.

Application Deadline

For further information see:

Bachelor of Science, Architecture; Urban Planning; Environmental Architecture; Architecture and Building Construction, 3-year programmes, Bachelor, 180,
Master of Science, Architecture; Urban Planning and Policy Design, 2-year programmes, Master, 120,

Bachelor of Science in Architecture (180 ECTS)
The heart of the Bachelor in Architecture lies in a challenging blend of  Italian architecture with worldwide issues and trends.  Application for the programme is open to Italian, EU, and non-EU citizens. Activities in each semester are  centred upon a design-oriented studio, considered as a primary focus in the development of  the educational path. Several design tutors are in fact established professionals who manage to bring together research, technical, and practical knowledge. Additional core and elective courses also accompany the design studio, and are assessed through a combination of coursework, essays and examinations.
Students will be also supported by expert tutors, selected among the teaching and research staff. Excursions, residential workshops, exchange programmes and other educational activities provide the students with further opportunities to develop their profile according to their interests. The programme in Architecture, taught entirely in English, was activated, parallel to the longstanding Italian taught programme. Applicants must have completed (or be in the process of completing the last year of) their pre-university studies. The three-year degree is designed for all who seek to develop a solid foundation in the field of architecture, for either working in architecture related areas or continuing education in higher degree programmes.

Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning (180 ECTS)
The programme is rooted in the long standing tradition of our School, as it proposes to focus on the close relationship between urban landscapes and urban development as a fundamentally social and economic phenomenon: policy analysis, sociology, economics and design are thus brought to bear on urban problems in Italy and in Europe. Students will learn about the skills and responsibilities in which planners need to consolidate in order to promote effective and viable solutions to urban problems. The three-year degree is entirely taught in Italian or in English is designed for all those who seek a solid background in the field of urban planning, for either working in planning related areas or continuing education in higher degree programmes. Application for the programme is open to Italian, EU, and non-EU citizens. Activities in each semester are centered upon a studio, and a number of classes. Classes are divided in core subjects and elective courses: their topics range from representation techniques, history of architecture, to law, geography, regional economics and applied mathematics.  Students will be also supported by expert tutors, selected among the teaching and research staff. Applicants must have completed (or be in the process of completing the last year of) their pre-university studies. The three-year degree is structured for those wishing a solid basis in the field of urban planning, as preparation for either working in planning related areas or continuing education in higher degree programmes.

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Architecture (180 ECTS)
This Program is held in Italian only and it aims at educating professional architects who will support the programming, design and the implementation of projects for the organization and transformation of the built environment at different scales. The student will operate in institutions and in the public and private sectors, engineering and specialized firms, real estate firms, contractors, and as a freelance or consultancy. The most common career opportunities involve significant autonomy and responsibilities, in fields where the architectural requirements are connected to the full awareness of the multiscalar nature of micro and macro environments. The Course is organized in two orientations: the one, held in Milan, is concentrated in sustainable architectural planning and local landscapes; the second, held in Piacenza, is concentrated in Urban Time and Mobility Planning.

Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Building Construction (180 ECTS)
This Program is held in Italian only and it includes Courses, constituted by lectures and practicing, and Laboratory activities. The attainment of the 180 Credits (ECTS) specified in the didactic regulations. In particular the minimum standard guaranteed by law for the basic educational activities is 36 (Branches of scientific training; Branches of History and Representation of Architecture). For the specializing activities the minimum standard guaranteed by law is 45 Credits (Architectural and Urban Planning; Building and Environment; Security and Protection of Buildings). For the related or integrative activities the minimum standard guaranteed by law is 18. 14 for apprenticeship and the final exam.

Master of Science in Architecture (120 ECTS)
The Master of Science programme deals with a broad range of issues and disciplinary fields: history of architecture, media and tools for representation, theoretical and methodological aspects related to surveying and rendering the organization of space at different scales (buildings, cities, regions) and in different kinds of project. Students are encouraged to dynamically develop a critical attitude, new skills in order to face the complexity of current architectural practice. Beside educational activities, the environment of the School provides a number of international seminars, conferences and study visits which are organized to support and enhance academic development. Selected internships in institutional agencies and in professional offices also are offered. Qualified research staff with significant international and professional experiences are involved in the tutorship and teaching activity. Graduates of our Master of Science programme are currently working as independent professionals, for private firms, public institutions and research institutes, both in Italy and abroad. The Master of Science is addressing candidates holding  a Bachelor Degree in a subject related to the programme (Architecture, Urban Planning, and Engineering).

Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design (120 ECTS)
The Master of Science programme offered by the School of Architecture and Society is rooted in a polytechnic tradition, bridging urban design, regional studies and social sciences. The programme aims at developing a wide education in planning and policy making. Course activities of the Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design are organized along four semesters. Students face several courses according to urban design oriented and urban policy oriented options. The programme features distinctive laboratories dedicated to the preparation of a project. Qualified internships and work experience in public agencies or professional offices are also offered.
The aim of the programme is to train professionals who can deal with the multiple and complex issues of the contemporary policy agenda for cities and regions. Students who graduated from our Master of  Science programme usually work for local governments, research institutes, real estate companies and private advisors, in Italy and abroad. The Master of Science is addressing candidates holding a Bachelor Degree in one of the many subjects related to the Programme: urban planning, architecture, engineering, sociology and social sciences, geography, economy, political sciences, and environmental sciences.

For further information,  please contact  the  Internationalization Office at infostudents@polimi.it or visit:http://www.polinternational.polimi.it/ For enquiries concerning course contents and the organisation of the Bachelor and Master Programmes, please contact: info.architecture@polimi.it or info.urbanplanning@polimi.it

Politecnico offers a number of PhD programmes in architecture, planning and related fields. Please find full descriptions of programmes http://www.english.polimi.it/scientific-research/dottorato/