Faculty of Architecture

Faculty of Architecture
ul. Warszawska 24
31-155 Kraków
N 50° 4' 17.28'', E 50° 4' 17.28''
Dean's Office for English Language Students
e: a-0@pk.edu.pl
t: +48 (0)126283164
Dean of School
The Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology is an academic public university with more than 70 years of tradition in educating architects!
It offers its students an opportunity to obtain the highest level of knowledge, skills, and creativity in the process of designing spaces. The goal of the school is to train top-class spacialist to practice a profession of social trust, understanding the significance of cultural values in the globalised world, open to permanent broadening of their knowledge and practical skills, subscribing to universal principles of ethics in the process of satysfying the needs of individuals and social groups.
In 2018 we're enrolling English language students for Master of Science in Architecture studies (February 2018) and Bachelor in Architecture studies (July 2018).
Starting from Spring Semester, the Faculty of Architecture Cracow University of Technology offers threesemester (1.5-year) Master’s Degree Studies in English (M.Arch.). The offer of these studies is meant for students with Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and prepares them for professional practice as architects. The programme of studies is exactly the same as the curriculum in Polish which is a professional degree programme accredited by The Polish Accreditation Committee, The Accreditation Commission for Polish Universities of Technology, the EU evaluation as well as The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) evaluation. The programme of studies lasts for three semesters. The total number of ECTS credits is 90 (30 per semester). The total number of hours is 900 plus 150 for Internships after the 1st semester (1st semester: 405h +150h; 2nd semester: 390h, 3rd semester: 75h). The Master of Architecture programme of studies focuses on a wide range of issues directly affecting contemporary architecture and urban design: • Architectural and urban design in the fields of multifamily housing and public use buildings, • Spatial and regional planning, • Preservation of monuments and revalorization of urban complexes with design for conservation, • Landscape architecture, architecture and planning in the countryside, • Building construction systems and building structures, • Theory of architecture and urban design as well as spatial and regional planning, • History of art, culture and contemporary urban design, • Ecology and environmental protection.
The curriculum Architecture has been realized since the academic year 2012/2013 in accordance with the material programme identical for the curriculum Architecture and Urban Design having accreditations from the Polish Accreditation Committee, the Accreditation Committee for Technical Universities, the Accreditation Committee at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA – a prestigious, renowned organization with acknowledged international status, accrediting architectural universities). The FA CUT has had this accreditation since 1999 as the only Polish school in recognition of the high quality of education as well as EU evaluation for the curriculum offered in recruitments till the academic year 2011/2012 under the name of Architecture and Urban Design.
The curriculum Architecture and Urban Design offered at the Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology was acknowledged as Poland’s best curriculum in 2012. As the only one from among the curricula Architecture and Urban Design, it was included on the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education including 25 best curricula in Poland.
In 2012, Appendix to Directive V was published by the European Commission in the Official Register of the European Union. It includes diplomas in the field of architecture at Cracow University of Technology which means that the graduates of the CUT Faculty of Architecture received acknowledged qualifications on the territory of the European Union.
The graduates should have knowledge in the field of the history and theory of architecture and urbanism, fine arts, building and building technologies, construction, the physics of structures as well as architectural and urban design. They ought to know the technical and constructional rules as well as the methods of organizing and realizing the investment process. The graduates should have the abilities to collect information, shape man’s environment according to his utilitarian needs – taking disabled people into consideration – and create designs which satisfy aesthetical, utilitarian and technical requirements. The graduates ought to have knowledge of the building code, economics, the organization of the investment process and the organization of the designing process in the country and in the member states of the European Union. The graduates should know a foreign language at the B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference at the Council of Europe. They should be prepared to take up professional activity as auxiliary employees as well as in contracting and building supervision in the field of urban design and the design of architectonic objects together with their surroundings. The graduates ought to be prepared to take second degree studies.
hours | ECTS | |
A. GROUP OF ELEMENTARY CONTENTSContents of education within the scope of: | 150 | 15 |
1. Mathematics | 45 | |
2. Descriptive geometry | 45 | |
3. Physics of structures | ||
4. Mechanics of structures | ||
B. GROUP OF MAJOR CONTENTS Contents of education within the scope of: |
1. Basics of architectural design | ||
2. Urban design | ||
3. History of architecture and urbanism | ||
4. General construction and materials science | ||
5. Building constructions | ||
6. Building installations | ||
7. Fine arts and working techniques | ||
8. Economics of the investment process | ||
9. Organization of the investment process | ||
10. Building code | ||
11. Ethics of the profession of an architect |
- Education in the field of mathematics
Learning contents: Elements of algebra and analysis – derivatives and their applications, elements of integral calculus. Linear equation layouts. Equations of straight lines and planes. Elements of mathematical logic. Elements of analytical geometry.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: abstract comprehension of technical problems; application of basic mathematical methods in architectural and urban design.
- Education in the field of descriptive geometry
Learning contents: Perspective and axonometrics. Methods of mapping and restituting elements of space. Geometrical shaping of architectonic forms with the application of polyhedrons, volumes and surfaces. Applied perspective methods.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: applying descriptive geometry in architectural design; constructing and rendering architectonic objects.
- Education in the field of the physics of structures
Learning contents: Thermal and dampness properties of the constructions of building divisions. Basic phenomena concerning illumination with daylight and artificial light. Acoustics – propagation in open space, interior acoustics, acoustic insulation of divisions.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: allowing for thermal and dampness requirements, architectural design of soundproof protection and proper illumination.
- Education in the field of the mechanics of structures
Learning contents: Statics on a plane. Analysis of statically definable flat layouts. Methods of the graphic and analytical calculation of forces. Durability of constructional layouts. Principles of modelling and connecting various burdens on constructions.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: understanding the issues of shaping building structures and systems; preparing schematics of static constructions; designing constructional elements; identifying stresses in constructional elements.
- Education in the field of the basics of architectural design
Learning contents: Principles of architectural design. Elements of architectural composition.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: understanding mutual relations between an object and its surroundings; preparing architectural designs with a low degree of complexity; using various technical and material means for presenting an architectural idea.
- Education in the field of the basics of urban design
Learning contents: Principles of urban design. Elements of urban composition. Relations between elements shaping space.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: understanding mutual relations between an object and its surroundings; preparing urban inventory; designing complexes of buildings together with greenery and selected urban facilities; preparing a plan of developing an area with an increasing degree of complexity allowing for technical, social, natural, cultural and legal requirements; understanding the spatial conditions and consequences of planning documents.
- Education in the field of the history of architecture and urbanism
Learning contents: Cultural conditions of architecture and urbanism. History of world and Polish architecture. Basic directions of the development of contemporary architecture. History of urbanism. Theories of urbanism.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: understanding the cultural conditions of building the forms and stylistics of architectonic objects and urban layouts; comprehending relations between old and newly designed architecture; respecting the existing cultural environment; assessing an architectonic work from the viewpoint of its location, cultural conditions, usability, construction and aesthetics; understanding transformations in urbanism against the background of the changing circumstances.
- Education in the field of general construction and materials science
Learning contents: Technical issues related to the design and implementation of architectonic objects. Principles of creating technical drawings and descriptions. Kinds, properties and scopes of applying building materials.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: preparing architectural and building documentation; applying building materials in design.
- Education in the field of building constructions
Learning contents: Principles of designing contemporary building constructions.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: preparing an architectural design with the application of constructional elements.
- Education in the field of building installations
Learning contents: Contemporary building installations. Impact of applied solutions on the architecture of an object and the development of a plot. Designing energy-efficient buildings.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: understanding the principles of designing building installations in objects with various intended uses; comprehending the general principles of the energy-saving design of buildings.
- Education in the field of fine arts and working techniques
Learning contents: Developing spatial, artistic and compositional sensitivity – drawing, painting and sculptural studies from nature and imagination. Working techniques. Modelling.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: using artistic techniques; solving artistic issues; applying working techniques.
- Education in the field of the economics of the investment process
Learning contents: Basic elements of the economics of the investment process.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: understanding the basic economic processes and tools for steering the investment process.
- Education in the field of the organization of the investment process
Learning contents: Basics of the structure and organization of the investment process. Basic elements of architectural practice.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: planning the investment process within its basic scope; negotiations in the investment process.
- Education in the field of the building code
Learning contents: Legal conditions of architects and urbanists’ activity. Legal acts binding in construction.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: understanding legal regulations concerning architectural, constructional and urban design as well as the implementation of an investment.
- Education in the field of the ethics of the profession of an architect
Learning contents: Elements of professional ethics.
Learning outcomes – skills and competences: understanding issues and proceedings in accordance with the principles of the ethics of the profession of an architect and an urbanist.
An internship should not take less than 4 weeks.
The rules and form of internships are specified by the university unit responsible for education.
- Teaching programmes should provide for classes in the field of physical education – 60 hours, 2 ECTS points; foreign languages – 120 hours, 5 ECTS points; information technology – 30 hours, 2 ECTS points. Educational contents in the field of information technology: basics of information technologies, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, managerial and/or presentational graphics, services in information networks, gaining and processing information – it should be at least a properly selected subset of information included in modules required for receiving the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL).
- Teaching programmes should include some humanistic contents – at least 60 hours and 3 ECTS points.
- Teaching programmes should provide for classes in the field of the protection of intellectual property, health and safety at work as well as ergonomics.
- At least 50% of classes should be seminars, tolerably auditory, laboratory or design classes. Design classes should not make less than 15% of those defined in teaching programmes.
- A student gets 15 ECTS points for elaborating the diploma work (engineering design) and preparations for the diploma examination.
Starting from Spring Semester, the Faculty of Architecture Cracow University of Technology offers threesemester (1.5-year) Master’s Degree Studies in English (M.Arch.). The offer of these studies is meant for students with Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and prepares them for professional practice as architects. The programme of studies is exactly the same as the curriculum in Polish which is a professional degree programme accredited by The Polish Accreditation Committee, The Accreditation Commission for Polish Universities of Technology, the EU evaluation as well as The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) evaluation. The programme of studies lasts for three semesters. The total number of ECTS credits is 90 (30 per semester).
The total number of hours is 900 plus 150 for Internships after the 1st semester (1st semester: 405h +150h; 2nd semester: 390h, 3rd semester: 75h). The Master of Architecture programme of studies focuses on a wide range of issues directly affecting contemporary architecture and urban design:
• Architectural and urban design in the fields of multifamily housing and public use buildings,
• Spatial and regional planning,
• Preservation of monuments and revalorization of urban complexes with design for conservation,
• Landscape architecture, architecture and planning in the countryside,
• Building construction systems and building structures,
• Theory of architecture and urban design as well as spatial and regional planning,
• History of art, culture and contemporary urban design,
• Ecology and environmental protection. Design, history, theory and building structure technology are taught to prepare students for professional registration as architects in the European Union.