Presidents Message, May 27, 2019

“The Hidden School”

Dear Colleagues,

We are very happy that we received so many interesting and high quality contributions responding the call for our Annual Conference with the topic “The Hidden School”. Many thanks to all the authors! We look forward to hearing more from you during the conference at the University of Zagreb from 28-31 August 2019.

We are also excited to announce the launch of our new Architectural Periodicals Database. A big thank you goes to Débora Domingo-Calabuig, Universitat Politècnica de València, who made a huge effort and invested a lot of time to set it all up.

The EAAE’s Conservation Network will hold its next workshop from 25-28 September 2019 at the Faculty of Architecture CTU in Prague. The event will bring together a broad range of people, from art conservators to architects, engineers, and officials, to discuss the issues that have come to be of crucial importance in the management of European cultural heritage. Considering the roles that critical reflection and academic scholarship have played in developing conservation as a cultural practice, it will explore how the EAAE Conservation Network can enhance the contribution of these two basic pillars of architecture for the future of architectural heritage. We encourage you to register and submit your abstract until 30 May 2019.

As you know, EAAE is always happy to collaborate or support you in EU projects. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the council members, the coordinators of the Education and Research Academy or the EAAE secretariat.

Currently we are part of the e-FIADE project. A series of Transnational Project Meeting will take place in the months to come that are open for all EAAE member schools to participate.

We look forward to seeing you soon at the first Joint Teachers’ Conference of EAAE and ACSA at the University of Antwerp. The keynote speakers Jonathan Sergison (USI Mendrisio), Richard Blythe (University of Virginia) and Johan de Walsche (University of Antwerp) will contribute to the discussions on high quality teaching in Architecture Schools. Registration is still open, but few places are left.

Last but not least: Please remember to register for the Annual Conference and General Assembly in Zagreb.


Best regards,
Oya Atalay Franck
President EAAE