What’s the Matter?
The European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture and the European Association for Architectural Education in collaboration with The School of Architecture of Valles UPV and hosted by the Chamber of Architects of Catalunya and The School of Architecture of Barcelona UPC are organising an International conference addressing the following questions:
How can materiality and materialism be rethought in the rich and multifaceted context of contemporary computational architecture, and in the systemic context of pervasive computer simulations? How can this context nourish integration, build bridges, break barriers, alleviate fragmentation and clustering and above all nourish, foster, promote and advance innovation, while paying attention to the most important social challenges we are facing regarding the deep impact of technological changes?
The conference invites architects and designers, engineers, software developers, mathematicians, biologists, materials and computer scientists, philosophers, theorists and educators to present their views on the question: What’s the Matter when rethinking materiality and materialism at the age of computation in design-related practice ranging from the small scale of object design to large scale cities?
2014-09-04 | Opening
2014-09-06 | Closing
2014-04-28 | Announcement
2014-06-09 | Submission of Abstracts Deadline
2014-07-09 | News from the Reviewing Committee
2014-10-15 | Submission of Final Papers Deadline
2014-11-15 | Conference Proceedings Publication
2015-05-31 | Book Publication
More events:
Barcelona, Spain