EVENT by: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. Published: July 7, 2019.

Building the Contemporary Dwelling

New Themes and Methods of the Project

3rd International Congress of Interior Architecture


In May 2005 Adriano Cornoldi organized the first national convention dedicated to the disciplines of interiors in Venice. The questions are still current and highlight the role of a discipline whose task is to give material form to human dwelling needs, offering concrete answers to real problems.

The third conference, dedicated to Cornoldi in the decade of his death, wants to be in direct continuity with the first two promoted by him and discuss the role of the interior architecture in the current, relations with the disciplines concerned with the construction of human living space and know the theories and methodological aspects due to the changes of contemporary society.

The aim of the conference is to discuss the ways and reasons for contemporary living, to define the principles and perspectives that involve an adaptation of the theoretical lines.

Building contemporary dwelling wants to propose a reflection on the evolution and definition of the new themes and methods of theory, history and design of the places destined for the establishment of human.

Call for Papers

Contributions will have to concern one of the two macro-areas foreseen by the conference.

The section aims to know and deepen:
– the themes of contemporary dwelling which architectural disciplines are called to define and which represent an evolution of settlement principles;
– the specific aspects of anthropization process;
– the needs and meanings of contemporary dwelling.

The aim of this section is to identify and evaluate:
– the methodologies, strategies and tools of the project to respond adequately to the needs of contemporary dwelling;
– theories, practical experiments and innovative practices capable of responding to the needs of contemporary society;
– teaching and application options.

Authors are invited to send their contribution until 31 July 2019, using the online information system for managing EasyChair conferences avalilable at link:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ai-2020

The official language of the Conference is Italian, however the authors can send their proposal in English and Spanish.

To send contributions you need to register through the signup for an account section, present in the Home site, and follow the instructions. It is important to enter the data required correctly so that the organization of the conference can contact the authors. If you are already registered to the platform, the acronym to access the page dedicated to the 3rd National Conference of Interior Architecture is AI_2020

To send the abstract you must connect to the EasyChair system by entering the login and password obtained from the previous registration and select from the menu the New submission1. click on the link and select Enter as an author;
2. compile the authors’ data and tick Corresponding author so that the email address indicated (at least one) receives the communications from the organizers;

3. insert in the prefixed fields:
the data of the authors; in the Title box the macro-area to which the contribution and the title refers (es: METHODS – Title of the paper), the abstract (maximum 1300 characters spaces included); keywords.

The authors will receive a confirmation email to the Corresponding Author that the abstract has been sent correctly. The contribution will be submitted to referees and the authors will be informed of the acceptance until September 15th 2019.

Final contributions (10,000 characters, spaces included, and 3 images maximum or 14,000 characters, spaces included, without images) must be uploaded to EasyChair by October 31, 2019and must be prepared taking into account the editorial regulations sent by the organization.


The selected papers will be published in a digital volume with ISBN code by Poligrafo publishing and will be available on the website from the day of the conference opening. Among the authors of the selected papers will be choosen those who will be invited to participate personally at the two thematic tables.


Call for Papers publication: 30 June 2019
Abstract presentation: 31 July 2019
Abstract acceptance: 15 September 2019
Full Paper Presentation: 31 October 2019
Registration and payment of the registration fee: 31 October 2019 17-18 January 2020

Conference: 17-18 January 2020

Registration is done by sending to the email convegnointerni.2020@gmail.com, until 31 October 2019, attaching the registration form provided by the organization with attached proof of payment of the registration fee. In the case of contributions written by many authors, registration of at least one of the authors is required.


The registration fee, which entitles participants to the Conference and to the presentation of the paper if selected and to the publication in the volume published by Poligrafo is:

Structured teacher / freelance: € 180.00

Unstructured teacher, doctoral student, master student:  € 90.00

The fees include:
– participation in scientific sessions
– publication and copy in digital format of the documents – refreshments

– the possible purchase of copies, in digital format, of the acts of the I and II National Congress of Interior Architecture by Adriano Cornoldi, for a total price of € 30.00.

The fees, which do not include travel and accommodation expenses, to be held by the participant, must be paid by the date indicated by bank transfer to:

Dipartimento di Architettura
Intesa Sanpaolo spa
IBAN: IT16 S 03069 03496 1000000046113 Causale: Iscrizione Convegno Interni 2020


Per informazioni sulla call e sul convegno è possibile contattare l’indirizzo: convegnointerni.2020@gmail.com


Gioconda Cafiero, Clara Fiorillo, Nicola Flora, Paolo Giardiello | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico IIAndrea Grimaldi, Filippo Lambertucci | Università di Roma, Sapienza
Marco Vaudetti | Politecnico di Torino
Luca Basso Peressut, Giampiero Bosoni, Imma Forino, Gennaro Postiglione | Politecnico di MilanoAldo Aymonino, Alberto Bassi | Università Iuav di Venezia


Submission of abstracts

2019-07-31  |  

Notification of acceptance

2019-09-15  |  
2025-01-13  |  

Full paper submission

2019-10-31  |  

Registration deadline

2019-10-31  |  


2020-01-17  |  18/01/2020


January 17, 2020