EVENT. Published: April 25, 2017.

Boarding 2014

Boarding is a European call for projects aimed at holders of architecture / design / landscape / urban design & planning diplomas who graduated since 2012. arc en rêve centre d’architecture and the école nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage in Bordeaux wish to support and encourage research and creative projects focusing on issues relating to the city and new approaches to residential space. The first edition in 2014 has been given the theme of interactions.

As an interactive space, public space corresponds to all kinds of definitions and uses: it is a place for exchange and for collective and individual acts; a place for sharing and a place of conflict, representation and experimentation; an exceptional place and a place of day-to-day experience; a place of civic awareness or anonymity; a political space where consensus and dissent coexist; and so on. Today, at a time when the spatialities of the contemporary world are being expressed and deployed within public space in all its various dimensions– scale, temporality, physical, intangible, visible, invisible– how do young European architects, designers, landscape architects and urban designers conceive these spaces and offer innovative points of view?

Official Website


2014-02-20  |  Announcement
2014-09-11  |  Exhibition
2014-02-20  |  Announcement
2014-05-18  |  Registration Deadline
2014-09-11  |  Exhibition


May 18, 2014


Bordeaux, France