Workgroup member
Patrick Flynn is the Head of Learning Development in the College of Engineering and Built Environment in TU Dublin. He studied architecture at UCD and holds a Masters in Education from DIT. His professional experience includes working in New York and Dublin.
He has served on the Board of Architectural Education of the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland (RIAI) which is the professional accrediting body for all Irish architectural programmes. He has chaired validation panels for RIAI reviews to UCD, UCC/CIT, SAUL in Ireland as well as serving on validation panels in the UK and Spain.
He has researched existing and new pedagogies and published on these in subsequent academic papers and presented at numerous conferences. He has recently developed a new feedback and assessment method for Architecture programmes which won funding at a national level. He is project co-ordinator of a consortium including UCD, SAUL and CIT which is currently engaged in a research project into feedback and assessment funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.