Council member

Dr Harriet Harriss (RIBA, FRSA, FHEA) is a qualified architect and dean of Pratt Institute's School of Architecture. Her teaching, research and writing are largely focused upon pioneering new pedagogic models for design education as captured in Radical Pedagogies: Architectural Education & the British Tradition. Her 2016 publication, A Gendered Profession, asserts the need for widening participation as a means to ensure professions remains as diverse as the society it seeks to serve. Dr Harriss has won various awards for teaching excellence including a Brookes Teaching Fellowship, a Higher Education Academy Internationalisation Award, a Churchill Fellowship and two Santander awards.
Before her deanship she worked at the RCA and led the MArchD in Architecture at Oxford Brookes as was appointed a Principal Lecturer of Student Experience. She was most recently awarded a Clore Fellowship (2016-17) and elected to the European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE) Council in summer 2017. Harriet was recently appointed to the UK Department for Education construction industry panel and is currently working on a book that explores women's leadership in architectural academia. As of 2018, she is chair of the RIBA Dissertation Medal judging panel.
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