Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture
Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture
d'ingéniérie et d'Architecture
CH-1202 Genève
N 46° 12' 35.59'', E 46° 12' 35.59''
Head of Architecture
Master of Arts in Architecture
The Geneva Institute of Technology, Architecture and
Landscape (hepia) is member of the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland.
There are four departments in the College :
Building and Environment, Life Science, Industrial Technology, Information Engineering and Technology.
The Faculty of Architecture is situated in the city of Geneva, in the french speaking part of Switzerland. The school is close to the railway station and very easy to reach by several public transportation.
310 students (250 Bachelor, 60 Master, 0 PhD), 25% of foreign students.
60 staff members (10 full-time and approx. 50 visiting lecturers and critics).
students associations
Acoustic Lab
Audio - Lab
Cartographic and Arch. Info. Lab
Computer Room
Computing service
Conference auditorium
Construction Lab
Environmental Performance Lab
Exhibition hall,
Foam Cutter
laser cutter
Light - Lab
Modelling room
Printing facilities
Structures Lab
see: http://www.jointmaster.ch/jma/ch/de-ch/index.cfm?page=/jma/home/interactive/erasmus/logement
a.swiss federal maturity diploma + one year practice
b.one year professional formation at the CFPC, canton of Geneva professional formation centre
c.draughtsman professionnal maturity diploma
Master: see : http://www.jointmaster.ch/jma/ch/de-ch/index.cfm?page=/jma/home/about/admisson/admissionenglish
600 CHF per Year.
31st March
Bachelor of Architecture degree, it allows students to apply for all Master programmes.
Master of Arts in Architecture, MA, 2 Years, Master, 120,
Three partner institutions offer the Joint Master of Architecture course : The Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences Geneva Institute of Technology, Architecture and Landscape (hepia), the Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences College of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg
(EIA-FR) and the Bern University of
Applied Sciences for Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering (BUAS).
The department of Building and Environment is devided in four
disciplinary courses of study : Architecture, Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture and Building Technology.
The Architecture studies have two stages :
the 6 semesters Bachelor studies
(Bachelor of Arts HES-SO in Architecture),
which are the basis of the 4 semesters
Master studies (Master of Arts HES-SO /
BFH in Architecture).
They are accredited by the Swiss
Confederation and have received EU recognition.
Three years of study lead to a Bachelor of Arts in architecture. The teaching is in close equation to the professional world and is characterised by learning through the project as tool of integration.
The curriculum is structured in modules who allow the student to acquire different competences in a progressive way.
– the first year is dedicated to the acquisition of base knowledge, which will allow to understand the project, the construction and its impact on the environment;
-the second year is dedicated to the development of specific competences which include quality assessment, constructive and management thinking and a broad knowledge of the thematic issue of housing;
-the third year sees the student confronted to the issue of sustainable development and s-he must able to undertake the complete building process.
Students exchange and debate ideas in
two different cultural settings with
multilingual teaching and intercultural
mobility: the Joint Master of Architecture
(JMA) course is unique in Switzerland,
thanks to this interlinking of diverse
personalities, ideas and approaches.
It coaches students to act in a complex
environment that requires the qualities of
transdisciplinary analysis and design, as
well as the ability to find creative
approaches and solutions – and put these
into practice. Learning by experience is
cyclical, moving between theory and
research. The course gives students a
grasp of economics, technical issues,
society and ethics.
Cooperation : The profile of the JMA arises
from synergies between the three
institutions offering the course, in
connexion to the shared research topic:
territorial identities.
– Territorial identities and Urban Conditions: Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Technology,
Architecture and Landscape, Geneva
– Territorial identities and transformations :
Western Switzerland University of Applied
Sciences, College of Engineering and
Architecture, Fribourg
– Territorial identities and processes : Bern
University of Applied Sciences,
Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering,
Structure :
The course consists of three regular
semesters, a study trip and a master
thesis. Students must acquire 120 ECTS
points to be awarded the title of Master of Arts
BFH / HES-SO in Architecture.
Each semester consists of a optional local
studios and profile search (a module
preparing for the individual thesis subject),
three one-week interdisciplinary theory
seminars, one on each of the sites, and
optional courses.
International : The JMA is accredited by
the Swiss Federal Office for Education and
Technology and has received European
recognition under the terms set by the
International Union of Architects (UIA) and
Erasmus Programme agreements with
partner institutions abroad allow students
to spend up to two semesters studying in Belgium, the Czech Republic,
France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Conversely, Erasmus students from those countries may join the JMA course.
No Phd Programs are offered.
Architectural research developed within the
Joint Master of Architecture (JMA) is a
practice-oriented research; while
integrating forms of related fields, it
focuses on the project as a process in a
transdisciplinairy environment, the most
appropriate form to the practical profile of
UAS. The main research axes are:
– The architectural project as a process
and practice
– Territorial identity and transformations
The JMA training introduces students to
architectural research and allows the
connection of practices and discourses to
R&D projects in collaboration with
teachers. The teaching takes place in
“laboratory situations”: the subjects,
methods and means used in projects and
seminars are directly related to the axes
and research projects.
The JMA is involved in the establishment
of networks of architectural research at the
level of UAS, Switzerland and