Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture
Warsaw, PL
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture
ul. Koszykowa 55,
00-659 Warsaw

N 52° 13' 13.56'', E 52° 13' 13.56''


e: sekretariat.arch@pw.edu.pl
t: +48 22 628 28 87
f: +48 22 628 32 36
dr hab. arch. Krzysztof Koszewski 
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
Degree programmes
Bachelor of Science
Master of Science
PhD programme
Faculty profile

The Faculty of Architecture is one of the
largest faculties of Warsaw University of
Technology. It is one of the largest governmental-
run schools of architecture in
Poland, established in 1915 and originally
housed in the Warsaw School of
Fine Arts. Since 1916 it has been located
in an eclectic, turn-of-century building in
the central area of Warsaw. The 'Warsaw
School' of modern architecture, which
developed between the wars, may be
characterised by its creativity within the
boundaries of rational design and this
tradition is carried on today. It includes
strong emphasis on practice as part of
the student's education, and many of the
faculty have been and continue to be actively
engaged in the profession.

The Faculty of Architecture is situated in the centre of Warsaw, close to the central campus of the Warsaw University of Technology. De-spite this urban setting, the 100-yers old building of the school forms nice inner green court, used by students for recreation.

130 staff members (130 full-time and approx. 0 visiting lecturers and critics).

Student Activities

Student participation in faculty policy-making process.Students organise social as well as cultural activities of the school such as photo and painting exhibitions, slides and film reviews, dancing parties etc. Annual student party „Fuksowka”. Student can submit writings to „Architektura - Murator” journal. Participation in EASA. workshops and study trips organised annually to Italy, Egypt and Syria as well as visiting international exhibitions on architecture and building technology.


Low-cost accommodation and meals are available for students in the University dormitories located close to the University Central Cam-pus.

Admission Requirements

BSc programme: secondary school diploma and two-part written evaluation
MSc programme: BSc degree and one-day sketch design.
PhD programme: MSc degree and application review.

Tuition fees

€ 3,000 per year or free - for 50 candidates annually with the best entrance evaluation results.

Application Deadline


Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Architecture degree gives access to Master programme., 4-year programme, Bachelor,

Enrolment: 150 per year (approx. 670 total). Title: BSc in Architecture;

Master of Science, Master of Science in Architecture degree., 2-year programme, Master,

Enrolment: 150 per year (approx. 350 total). Ac-creditation by the Chamber of Polish Architects upon completion of the required 2-year pro-fessional practice + 1-year on-site practice and passing the professional exam. Title: MSc in Architecture;

PhD programme, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Science degree., 4-year programme:, PhD,

Enrolment: approx. 50 total. Accredited by Ministry of Education in Poland.

The Faculty of Architecture offers the following
courses of studies in Architecture
and Urban Design: Bachelor-degree studies
– 8 semes-ters (BSc), Master-degree
studies – 4 semesters (MSc), Doctorate
studies – max. 4 years (PhD),
The education of Bachelors and Masters
of architecture in broad terms comprises
of the teaching of design from small industrial
forms and interior designs, via
houses, neighbourhoods, landscaping;
educational, recreational, retail and multiuse
facilities; public and industrial buildings,
service areas, open sport areas and
parks, to urban, rural and regional plans.

The fi rst two years of the Bachelor course
are common to all students and are intended
to provide background in the related sciences
and an introduction to architectural,
structural and services aspects of smaller
building design. Students, from their third
year of study have the opportunity to
choose their design tutor, and, a gradually
increasing number of elective subjects according
to their individual predisposi-tions.
This is stated in the optional curriculum
offer, comprising a four-path study option:
Architectural Design, Urban Design, Modernisation
and Interior Design. The BSc
students prepare their diploma project during
the 8th semester. The project tasks are
limited to semi-complex architectural or
urban designs and must be prepared according
to the respective building/planning

The Master course consists mostly of advanced
architectural design (infi ll buildings,
large-scale facilities, adaptive reuse of
arch. monu-ments) and more complex urban
plans (central area of town, municipal
plans, regional plans – in relation to social,
legal, technical and eco-logical issues).
Also, the course gives students the updated
advanced knowledge on structures,
building technology, architectural and urban
theory. Elective lectures and seminars
form the essential part of the MSc programme,
enabling students to choose topics
according to their interests and planned
fi nal project themes.
Students studying towards the MSc-degree
prepare their diploma projects in
the last semester. The work, apart from
design, must include its wider theoretical
background in form of short dissertation.
The project, and the knowledge gained
throughout the course of studies, are presented
to the examination board during the
public fi nal examination.

The faculty offers a four-year course for research
assistants leading to a PhD degree.
The selected trainee assistants participate
in the faculty research programs, as well
as they are trained in the didactic work.
Another option for practising professionals,
leading towards completion of PhD thesis,
is free-lance work under tutor’s scientifi c
supervision. All PhD students participate
in the monthly doctorate semi-nars (review
of the progress made) and philosophy lectures.
Postgraduate programme
The Faculty offers 1-year part-time postgraduate
studies for practising professionals
in the following fi elds:
– Preservation of Historical Buildings and
– Urban Design and Physical Planning,
– Quantity Survey

Faculty research activities are linked
to the University, national research organisations,
as well as international programmes.
Faculty mem-bers are actively
engaged in the research which results
in various professional publications. The
scientifi c research policy at the Faculty of
Architecture gives precedence to the following
fi elds:
– the fundamentals of architectural design,
new design methods and techniques,
– housing, housing management,
– new structures, building technology and
building services,
– historical research, conservation and
adaptation of monuments, modernisation
of buildings and urban complexes,
– the restructuring of rural settlements,
– environmental protection,
– town and country planning and management.