Faculté d'architecture La Cambre - Horta

Faculté d'architecture La Cambre - Horta
Place Flagey 19
1050 Ixelles
N 50° 49' 38.67'', E 50° 49' 38.67''
1280 students (900 Bachelor, 360 Master, 20 PhD), 0% of foreign students.
The following are eligible to take any first-cycle university course, apart from engineering courses:
Holders of an upper secondary school-leaving diploma (whether general, artistic or technical)
Graduates of short-type full-time higher education courses or corresponding adult education courses;
Students having passed the university admission exam;
Holders of a European baccalaureate, an international baccalaureate or a baccalaureate issued by the SHAPE School in Casteau;
Holders of a certificate of equivalence for their foreign secondary school/high school diploma, issued by the French Community Ministry of Education.
Normal fees: 835 €
Intermediate fees (for students on low incomes): 485 €
Reduced fees (students with SAE or DGCD grants): 0 €
Structure of the Curriculum
Each year, optional preparatory courses are organised before the beginning of the academic year, for students who are about to begin their first year.
The five-year programme is divided into a first cycle of 180 ECTS credits , and a second cycle of 120 ECTS credits. In each of the five years, 24 ECTS credits are given to the architectural project. The first cycle leads to the degree of bachelor in architecture, the second cycle confers the legal degree of architect. Each of the two cycles includes a three-weeks internship, scheduled outside the school, that offers students the chance to become familiar with activities and circuits related to the act of building. During the second cycle, every student must also undertake and present an end of studies dissertation.
All the compulsory courses of the bachelor programme are organised in various families :
– Architectural project
– History and theory of art, architecture, urban design and landscape
– Human sciences, and culture theory *
– Environmental sciences *
– Territory, urban design and landscape
– Study and representation of space and form *
– Exact sciences *
– Technology and construction
– Computer and applied media *
– Expression and communication techniques *
( * : the courses of those families are organised in the first cycle only ).
At the beginning of the Master 1, each student must choose one between three orientations : « Architectonic design », « Heritage valorisation », « Urban design ».
Various architectural projects and courses are specific to every orientation, other architectural projects and courses are common to the three orientations.
So, each orientation combines general formation with an opportunity of a deeper exploration into specific fields of architecture and architectural production, understood as contemporary challenges :
– « Architectonic design » orientation explores specifically interactions between architectural thoughts and their materialisation, through construction and techniques
– « Heritage valorisation » orientation explores specifically conservation and renovation problems
– « Urban design » orientation explores specifically built environment design at a larger scale.
All the compulsory courses of the « Ethics and professional practice » family are organised in the second cycle.
The second cycle includes various optional courses. Most of the optional courses are linked to the fields of Pathology and therapy of buildings, Heritage, and Sustainable development. Some of them can be attended at the Institut Supérieur d’Urbanisme et de Rénovation urbaine (ISURU), located at Victoire street, 177, 1060 Brussels.
During the first year of the second cycle, ISASLB, through Socrates-Erasmus, has contacts and exchanges with : Universitat politecnica de Cataluna near Barcelona, Universita di Firenze, Ecole d’architecture de Grenoble, Universitat Fredericiana in Karlsruhe, Ecole d’architecture de Nantes, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Ecole d’architecture de Paris Malaquais, Université Aristote de Salonique, Tampere University of Technology, Istituto universitario di architettura di Venezia. ISASLB also has contacts and exchanges with the University Mc Gill in Montreal.
The end-of-studies dissertation, included in the second cycle, may be described as a reasoned thought on a specific architectural subject. The main two dissertation types are research-dissertation and summary-dissertation.The most common type of dissertation is written. However, other forms are possible, such as drawings, videos, or computer support.The student chooses a dissertation subject in the beginning of the Master 1, and the dissertation is presented during the Master 2.