Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Escuela de Arquitectura
Madrid, ES
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Escuela de Arquitectura
Arquitectura de Madrid
Herrera, 4,

N 40° 26' 20.92'', E 40° 26' 20.92''

 Manuel Blanco Lage Prof.
e: director.arquitectura@upm.es
 Manuel Blanco Lage 
Degree programmes
Faculty profile

The School of Architecture of Madrid was established in 1844, in order to take over the previous studies given in the Royal Academy of San Fernando. The school was taken into the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid since 1971. The School of Architecture of Madrid has tried in a traditional way to combine the architectural aspect of designs as well as a good scientifi c background. While architectural education and practice are different undertakings, there is also a particulary close and fertile correspondence between them in Spain. The School has agreements with 52 Academic Centres from all over the world. Periodically, the most relevant architects visit the School to impart either conferences or specifi c courses on updated topics.

The School of Architecture is placed within the University City of Madrid surrounded by parks and not very far from the centre of Madrid. Access to the main Campus is provided by public transport. The students guild office of architecture also is used as a link to co-ordinate private transport among students.

Student Activities

The students at the School have their own organizations such as the Delegación de Alumnos, through which they participate in all decision levels in the School. The students are very active and organize all sorts of cultural trips and activities. It is worthy to mention their Film Club that shows film on architectural interest, and also the NGO, Ingenieria sin Fronteras, involved in Third-World help activities.


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Admission Requirements

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Tuition fees

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Application Deadline

Architecture (96) - Phase 01 - Election of project goups: 26 Jun - 02 Jul, 2012. | Master ans Doctoral Programmes: 1st Pre-registration: 7 Nov - 12 Mar de 2012; 2nd Pre-registration: 10 Apr - 25 Jun; Registration: 18 Jul - 31 Jul.

Bachelor, Architecture (2010), 4 semesters, Bachelor, 120,
Bachelor, PhD in (Various*), Doctoral,

* Programmes: Doctorate in Advanced Achitectural Design; Doctorate in Suburbs Projects, Sustentability and Urban Vitality; Doctorate in Construction and Architectural Technology; Doctorate in Building Structures; Doctorate in Conservation and Heritage Restoration; Doctorate in Architectural Composition: Analysis, Theory and History of Architecture.

Bachelor, Msc in (Various**), Master,

** Programmes: Advanced Architectural Design; Master in Construction and Architectural Technology; Master in conservation and Heritage Restoration; Master in Urban and Regional Planning; Master in Building Structures.

Currently, a new reform in the academic system is being introduced at the School of Architecture of Madrid. The New Plan, which lasts five years, allows a more rational use of time. The third year course has been set up, and compared to the old one, it offers optional subjects to be chosen freely by the students.

The School also present a lack of Continued Formation Courses in the following topics: Industrial Flexible Housing; Industrial Housing Technology; Building Diagnosis; Preventive Proceedings in Buildings; Pathology and Intervention in Foundations; Pathology and Repair of Structures; Humidity and Treatment; Pathology and Roof Repair; Pathology and Repair of Fassades and Interior Finishing; Building Finishing for Master Builders.

Every year is divided in two terms (called cuatrimestres) of four months: a total of ten terms in the degree of architecture with an average of 4-5 subjects per term. Autumn term (September-December) and Spring term (February-March), both have 15 weeks teaching. Additionally a week a year is dedicated to educational trips monitoring and supervising by the teachers from the School itself. In every term there are the so-called workshops, which an eminently practical content; the learning process involves a set of tutorials and assistant lessons, where topics and work-team is monitoring by the teacher according to each syllabus content for the subject chosen. 550 hours teaching are optional subjects into the upper courses. Project work is considered as the core in 9 of the 10 terms. The teachers for these subjects are prestigious Spanish architects. Last courses in the curriculum are deeply connected to the following specialized fi elds: Urban Design, Restoration or The History of the Construction. The fi nal Project is an architectural work-project, which, develops the skills of every topic chosen. After being marked by a board, if it is a good one is given in to be published. Publications from these Projects are getting better and better every year. The School of Architecture of Madrid offers as well several master and formation courses. Masters such as Conversion and Restoration of Monuments, Gardening and Landscaping, Design, Rehabilitation of Historial Buildings, Techniques on Advanced Construction, and formation courses such as Theoretical, Historical and Legal aspects of Restoration, Enviromental Sciences and Bioclimatic Architecture, Maintenance and Quality of Building, Geographical Information Systems, Acoustics Studies, etc. can be studied at the School.

The Master’s offer consists in specialization courses, destinated to students with universitary titulation. The courses are classified as Post-Graduate Studies.

Postgraduate studies are based on a series of research programmes offered by the different departments within the School. They consist on several courses and research papers that are orientated to develop the student’s skills so that they can carry on a fi nal dissertation directed by a professor of the School. The programmes embrace all the fundamental research lines related to the architectural and urban desing, and many diverse aspects like history, technology, theory, etc, are considered. Many foreing students are enroled in these postgraduate courses.

Each department develops its own research lines in relation to the postgraduate programmees quoted above. For example, in the case of the Urban Planning Departament, its research activity is refl ected in the publication of a series of issues called Cuadernos de Investigación Urbanísitica. In other cases, the research lines are interdisciplinary, this is the case of History of Construction, topic on which several volumes have been published, either translations of classical autours (Viollet-le-Duc, Choisy) or modern studies on fabric structures (J. Heyman). The Instituto Juan de Herrera, an organism that depends on the School and supports its teaching and research activites, is usually the editor of these books and collections.