Poznan University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture
Poznan, PL
Poznan University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture
60-965 POZNAN

mgr inż.  Marietta  Maslowska-Paszek  
administration worker
e: office_darf@put.poznan.pl
t: +48 (0) 61-665-3301
f: +48 (0) 61-665-3300
dr hab. inz. arch. Ewa  Pruszewicz-Sipińska prof. PP
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
Degree programmes
Bachelor : polish
Bachelor: polish, english
Master : polish, english
Faculty profile

Poznan University of Technology, PUT  is a university located in Poznan, Poland. Poznan University of Technology is known as one of the best technical universities in Poland. In 1995 it became the first Polish university to become a member of the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER), an organisation comprising the best technical universities in Europe. The university is also a member of the Socrates-Erasmus programme for exchange students from all over Europe, promoting advanced engineering and a European dimension.

Poznan university was founded in 1919 and was teaching architecture within the faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering until in 1999 a faculty of Architecture was founded.

975 students (683 Bachelor, 292 Master, 0 PhD), 7% of foreign students.

79 staff members (75 full-time and approx. 4 visiting lecturers and critics).


Foreign students live with polish students

Tuition fees

Foreing students (non-citizens):

I cycle studies
1st semester - 5200 zł
next semesters - 4300 zł

II cycle studies
1st semester 6900 zł
2ed semester 6000 zł

Bachelor , Interior Achitecture , 3 years , licencjat , polish , 180,
Bachelor, Architecture, 4 years, inżynier architekt , polish, english , 240,
Master , Architecture, 1,5 years, magister inżynier architekt , polish, english, 90,

Institute of Architecture and Physical Planning

-Division of Architecture of Work and Recreation Places

-Division of Engineering in Architecture

Instytute of Architecture, Urban Planning and Protection of Heritage

-Division of Public Architecture and Housing

-Division of History, Theory and Heritage Protection

-Division of Urban Planning

Institute of Interior Architecture and Industrial Design