Politechnika Wroclawska | Wroclaw University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture
Wroclaw, PL
Politechnika Wroclawska | Wroclaw University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture Wroclaw University of Technology
50-317 Wroclaw

N 51° 7' 8.74'', E 51° 7' 8.74''

 Joanna Jablonska  DArch, PhD, Eng., Prof. of WUST
Vice-Dean for Research and International Cooperation
e: joanna.jablonska@pwr.edu.pl
t: +48 71 320 62 30
f: +48 71 320 62 30
Prof. Barbara Gronostajska  DArch, PhD, Eng.
Degree programmes
Ist level : Polish
IInd level : English or Polish
PhD: English or Polish
Faculty profile

The Faculty of Architecture Wroclaw University of Science and Technology is a public educational institution located in Poland. Our mission is to conduct activities that serve to educate and prepare students, equipped with knowledge and skills, full of creativity and ability to function professionally in spatial and architectural aspects of the civilization. We aim at teaching observation, analysis, interpretation, prediction and creation of phenomena, processes and objects, forming the shape and organization of the contemporary society's environment. Our graduates can obtain professional licences within the country and abroad.

To implement the corresponding tasks, we consider spatial continuity, culture, aesthetic, technical, and natural values of space, minding a common good that serves us and future generations.

The Faculty of Architecture assumes development in the following areas (models): education, study, research, institution, use of resources and cooperation with the environment. The Faculty aims to improve the quality of education, the internationalization of studies and research, and a student-friendly work environment within our campus. The Faculty of Architecture implements this plan by formulating and implementing projects included in the list of key tasks of the Wrocław University of Technology.

The Faculty of Architecture, being a significant scientific center in the region, has close links with it. On the one hand connects through extensive research related to archaeology, history of architecture and urban planning, conservation of monuments, contemporary architecture design and theory and numerous publications in renowned publications that bring knowledge about the past and present. On the other hand, links through the professional and creative activity of the architects–practitioners staff and outstanding artists, whose works give a practical certificate of the quality of the Wrocław school of architecture.


The Faculty of Architecture at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology is one of the largest academic institutions in the Lower Silesian region and an internationally recognized research canter. At present there are over 1235  students (in which 179 in Spatial Planning) and 88 doctoral students (65 PhD Studies and 23 Doctoral School) at the Faculty of Architecture, who are taught by 128 academic teachers.

The topics of research span a wide range: from visual arts to ergonomics and from history of architecture and archaeology to parametric design. Professors employed at the faculty are active award-winning architects, often members of municipal or provincial governments and of advisory boards for local administration. Academic research and development programs often address the region and the city of Wroclaw and are conducted in cooperation with national research institutions and local governments as well as research centers in neighboring countries. The Faculty of Architecture is entitled to award the Ph.D. as well as postdoctoral academic degrees in Architecture, Urban Design and Spatial Planning. The curricula offered at Faculty of Architecture are adapted to contemporary international teaching standards, and the faculty actively cooperates with international academic institutions. The faculty was the first in Poland to join the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) and for many years has been a member of the European Network of Heads of Schoolsof Architecture (ENHSA) and European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE), International Union of Architects – UIA. The Faculty of Architecture – together with The Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta and following organisations: Vuste-Envis, Colaborativa and MADE - forms Architecture Vocational Learning Network – the group of European institutions which are focused on developing closer links between Vocational and Education Training (VET) initiatives in the areas of urbanism, town planning, architecture, landscape archi tecture and other built environment professions. The group collaborates on: identifying common approaches to VET between the partners, support for graduates entering the labor market, guidance and advice on VET for secondary school teachers and the creation of a manual for international internships.

1310 students (800 Bachelor, 430 Master, 80 PhD), 20% of foreign students.

128 staff members (128 full-time and approx. 0 visiting lecturers and critics).

Student Activities

Owing to the fact that the Faculty participates in the international student exchange system, architecture students from Wroclaw have the opportunity to study abroad by enrolling in international exchange programs offered by the EU. Foreign students from 50 partner schools of architecture and planning join our Faculty or take part in the LPP/Erasmus exchange program, taught in English. The study programs offered by FoA harmonize technical and humanistic academic knowledge, which is essential for the students’ future careers as architects and urban planners. The Faculty provides a learning environment which combines theory and practice to address contemporary design problems and encourage new ideas towards an environmentally and culturally conscious, refined architecture. The students develop their interests and skills in the design of sustainable spatial and architectural forms, under the supervision of tutors, who are both theorists of architecture and spatial planning and creators of modern architecture. The Faculty is known for the fact that its students each year receive numerous awards and distinctions in international and national architectural and urban competitions and take part actively in extra-curriculum activities (1st rank in Builder Magazine TOP 10 FOR THE FUTURE).


The faculty has several computer labs and research and teaching labs with professional equipment for heritage protection, 3D scanning, GIS and study of contemporary structural systems. Due to exceptional and valuable archives, the Faculty’s library historic collection is part of the National Heritage Library Collection. The faculty publishes an English-language journal Architectus co-edited by international researchers.


Accommodation can be provided.

Admission Requirements

Current admission information: https://rekrutacja.pwr.edu.pl/en/for-foreigners//

Tuition fees

none for degree students (from EU); BA degree – 3000 EURO per 2 semesters, MA degree – 4000 EURO per 2 semesters for international guest students (from non-EU countries); PhD degree – 4000 EURO per 2 semesters (non-EU countries)

Application Deadline

online recruitment: winter semester December - February summer semester May - August - September; detailed information at: http://www.arch.pwr.wroc.pl, http://www.pwr.wroc.pl

Ist level , Architecture, 8 semesters , architect-engineer, Polish , 240,
IInd level , Architecture and Urban planning, 3 semesterss , Master of Architecture (Magister Architekt), English or Polish , 90,
PhD, Doctoral School, 8 semesters , PhD, English or Polish ,

Studies in the field of Architecture prepare specialists for creative design work, including shaping space, starting from minor utilitarian forms, through buildings with various functions, and urban complexes, to the development of urban and rural areas. Therefore, courses in architectural and urban design dominate the curriculum in the field of Architecture. The educational program also includes engineering subjects, humanities courses and an extensive block of art subjects. The program of studies as well as didactic methods takes into account the most effective fulfilment of educational goals, which provide graduates with thorough professional education but also with a broad base of knowledge in many fields of science and technology, which affect the quality of the shaped space. During the first-cycle studies (awarded with architect-engineer title), students acquire a thorough knowledge of the history and theory of architecture and urban planning, fine arts, construction and construction technologies, construction and architectural and urban design. Students are acquainted with technical and construction regulations, as well as methods of organization and the course of the investment process in Poland and in the Member States of the European Union. The first-cycle curriculum is taught in the Polish language.

II level Master Studies in English Language


Graduate programmes end in a degree examination comprising an oral examination and presentation of the degree project. 20 ECTS credits are awarded to students who successfully prepared for the degree examination and wrote their master thesis. The scope of subjects in the oral examination covers four basic areas of the curriculum: theory of architecture, theory of urban planning, technology and the history of architecture and urban planning. The degree project consists in a conceptual architectural design with elements of construction design or an urban planning design. After completion of the graduate program in Architecture and Urban Planning students are awarded the master degree in architecture. Graduates of the graduate program are equipped with knowledge and skills which enables them to enroll in the doctoral and specialized postgraduate programmes.

The study program includes theoretical and practical aspects of the architectural profession in a balanced way, with an emphasis on the creativity and design independence of graduates. Design courses are supplemented with specialization courses related to modern construction and theory (theory of architecture and town planning, heritage protection, philosophy, aesthetics) and computer courses (various types of modeling: BIM, 3D). Learning outcomes provide preparation of graduates to: work in architectural and town planning offices, public administration units related to architecture and urban planning. Due to the broad, interdisciplinary profile of education, the graduate may also undertake work related to conducting scientific research, and may also continue education at the Doctoral School. Alumni can work in a team, is aware of the social role of the architect profession and the humanistic aspects of engineering activities, knows a foreign language and is aware of the need for self-education and professional development.


PhD training at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (WUST) is conducted at the interdisciplinary Doctoral School governed by the office of Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs in line with the regulations of WUST Senate. The Doctoral School of WUST started its operation on October 1, 2019.

The main goal of our Doctoral School is to train essential skills and aptitude to prepare PhD students to conduct high-profile research at academic institutions, research centres, and industries. The PhD degree is awarded upon the completion of education at the Doctoral School, which lasts 4 years. The PhD students work towards their thesis, namely a reaserch projectthat involves an innovative solution to a well-defined scientific problem. Every PhD student selects a supervisor from the list of WUST professors who guides the young researcher in their work and supports them in developing his/her own scientific profile. Apart from the work on the thesis, the doctoral program of study provides a general and thorough research training as well as training in the area of teaching, totalling 285 hours of courses and 180 hours of teaching to be delivered by the participants. The doctoral training in our Doctoral School is conducted in English and lasts 4 years.


The topics of research span a wide range: from visual arts to ergonomics and from history of architecture and archaeology to parametric design. Professors employed at the faculty are active award-winning architects, often members of municipal or provincial governments and of advisory boards for local administration. Academic research and development programs often address the region and the city of Wroclaw and are conducted in cooperation with national research institutions and local governments as well as research centers in neighboring countries.