The European Association of Architectural Education wishes you Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year 2016
EAAE is marking the New Year by re-establishing the EAAE monthly Newsletter.
2015 has been a very good year for our organization. We started a new series of EAAE-congresses in Milano discussing research on Architectural Education. The 2016-congress will take place in Delft in the first days of September. The EAAE/ARCC 10th International Conference titled Architectural Research Addressing Societal Changes will be organized in Lisbon from the 15th to the 18th of June 2016. The first European Medals for Best Diploma Projects established by Architects Council of Europe (ACE), EAAE and University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu (UAUIM) were chosen in November this year. And most important: the French and the British schools, along with other Schools of Architecture that showed a more reluctant attitude to EAAE after the split in 2013, are returning to the organization.
The EAAE is ordering the activities in a different way from before. The roles of the project leaders are clearer stated than earlier on, all Council members have defined responsibilities and the activities are organized in the EAAE Academy on Education, the EAAE Academy on Research and the Group on Communication and Web. Actions are taken in order to reorganize the EAAE administration, to give the organization a better grounding in the different European countries, and to create a stronger economic basis. We are trying hard to develop the EAAE into an organization that can serve the needs of the schools in a relatively tough European political, economic, and environmental situation. We look forward to future cooperation!
Oslo, 24th of December 2015
Karl Otto Ellefsen
EAAE President