Annual Conference in Madrid
Dear Colleagues,
The preparations of our Annual Conference and General Assembly are in full swing. The conference will take place from 31 August to 4 September 2022 as a hybrid event including keynote lectures, round tables and paper sessions. The conference is hosted by the ETSAM School of Architecture at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The conference topic is ‘TOWARDS A NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS. Challenges in Design Education & Research’. Please submit an abstract and regularly check the website: registration will open soon!
Following the ‘EAAE Oslo Pledge for Climate Crisis and Sustainable Future’ and a series of workshops on this topic organized by our Academies (EA, RA, CN), we ask you to complete this survey. It aims to provide an overview of SDG related actions of our member schools on campus as well as in teaching and research. The results will be presented during the Annual Conference.
In the General Assembly elections of two council members will take place. The President of the EAAE calls for candidates from all full member schools. Please consult the call and the candidacy conditions here.
Sincere thanks to Mackintosh School of Architecture / Glasgow School of Art for hosting the EAAE Second Deans‘ Summit on 21 to 22 April 2022! Sally Stewart, Head of the School of Architecture and EAAE council member, with her team have organized this crucial gathering in hybrid format, where we openly discussed our current challenges in leadership.
We are pleased to announce that Iceland University of the Arts will be hosting the third EAAE/ACSA Teachers Conference. The conference will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland, on June 23-24, 2023 and will explore the spaces and pedagogies for developing notions of cosmopolitan citizenship. It is driven by the urgent need to clarify the societal mission of architectural education in a time of grand challenges amidst a climate crisis, social inequality, rapid urbanisation, pandemics, and wars that operate at a global scale and affect all of us. More information will follow soon, but meanwhile: save the date!
Best regards,
Oya Atalay Franck
President EAAE