EAAE Council Meeting (online) – Minutes online
Wednesday, 15 December 2021
14.30–15.30, online
1. Apologies – info
2. Minutes of the previous meeting (all) – decide
3. Finances and new memberships (DB/CM) – info/discuss/decide
4. Membership actions and communication (SS/CM) – info/discuss/decide
5. Deans Summit 2022 (SS) – info/discuss/decide
6. EAAE awards: state of affairs (PF) – info/discuss/decide
7. Publications (RC/MRC) – info/discuss/decide
8. RA and EA organisation and work programme (JdW/MRC/TZ) – info/discuss/decide
9. Varia – info
a) ARCC/EAAE Conference 2022 Miami (OAF/IV/CM)
b) AC/GA 2022: state of affairs and task force Council (OAF/CM)
c) AC/GA 2023 (OAF/CM)
d) Candidacies and deadline Teachers Conference 2023 (OAF/JdW) – info/discuss/decide
e) Oslo Pledge/SDGs Series: joint workshops (IV/JdW/TZ) – info/discuss/decide
f) NEB and NEBC activities (JdW/RC/TZ) – info/discuss/decide
g) Cooperations with sister organisations such as SAR (Society of Artistic Research Declaration)? (OAF) –
h) LinkedIn profile for EAAE? (OAF) – info/discuss/decide
10. Next meetings
Wed 26.1.2022 14.30–15.30 online
Wed 16.2.2022 14.30–15.30 online
Wed 16.3.2022 14.00–15.00 online
Wed 13.4.2022 14.30–15.30 online
Pending matters
a) Management Erasmus+: Guideline for supporting project applications and membership policy and project partnerships (JPX/CM) –
b) Statement on Discrimination and Injustice (ACSA) (SS)
c) Special Project – Revision/Redesign Website (DB/CM + communication group)
a. Technical Update
b. Systems of Invoicing / Communication Newsletter / Membership management
c. Repository previous ACs
d. Branding and Design
e. Social Media
f. Online Publications
d) Jean Monnet and other means for EU project support (IV)
e) Membership categories and benefits document and application form (CM)
f) Membership lists: updates/acquisition per country (CM/all)
g) State of the publication conference books – Porto etc. (RC/MRC)
Winterthur, 20211201/oaf