COUNCIL MEETING by: EAAE. Published: October 19, 2021.

EAAE Council Meeting (online) – Minutes online


Wednesday, 22 September 2021

14.30–15.30, online


  1. Apologies – info
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting (all) – decide
  3. Finances and new memberships (DB/CM) – info/discuss/decide
  4. Oslo Pledge/SDG group – state of affairs (IV) – info/discuss/decide
  5. Debriefing AC/GA 2021 (DH/all) – info/discuss/decide
  6. Work groups Council (OAF/all) – info/discuss/decide
  7. RA and EA organisation and work programme (JDW/MRC/TZ) – info/discuss/decide
  8. Varia – info/discuss/decide
    1. UNA+ European Architecture Platform (TZ)
    2. ARCC/EAAE 2022 Miami (OAF/IV/CM)
    3. Call for hosting Deans Summit 2022 (CM)
    4. Deadline call for hosting AC/GA 2023 (CM/all)
    5. NEBC event in Venice 09.2021 (TZ/RC)
    6. YTAA event in Venice 09.2021 (OAF)
    7. Conference on Climate Change & Built Heritage 28 October 2021, Brussels (OAF)
  9. Next meetings – decide
    1. Wed 13.10. 14.30–15.30 online
    2. Wed 17.11. 14.30–15.30 online
    3. Wed 15.12. 14.30–15.30 online


Pending matters

  1. Management Erasmus+: Guideline for supporting project applications and membership policy and project partnerships (JPX/CM) – info/discuss/decide
  2. Statement on Discrimination and Injustice (ACSA) (SS)
  3. Special Project – Revision/Redesign Website (DB/CM + communication group)
    1. Technical Update
    2. Systems of Invoicing / Communication Newsletter / Membership management
    3. Repository previous ACs
    4. Branding and Design
    5. Social Media
    6. Online Publications
  4. Jean Monnet and other means for EU project support (IV)
  5. Membership categories and benefits document and application form (CM)
  6. Membership lists: updates/acquisition per country (CM/all)
  7. State of the publication conference books – Porto (RC/MRC)
  8. Educator’s and PhD awards (all)




Winterthur, 20210901/oaf


September 22, 2021

