Call for Hosting the EAAE Annual Conference and General Assembly 2025
The Council of EAAE is cordially inviting its member schools to volunteer for hosting and organizing the ANNUAL CONFERENCE and GENERAL ASSEMBLY for 2025.
The provisional format of the event is as follows: minimum one day for the Conference, half a day for the General Assembly, half a day for presentations of ongoing projects, and an additional half-day for excursions (depending on format). The week of the conference is usually the last working week of August (e.g. Wednesday 30 August – Saturday 2 September 2023).
Please consult previous annual conferences for possible schedules: Porto 2018, Zagreb 2019, Prague 2021. However, you can also submit other alternatives regarding the format.
For the financial aspects of the event, please find the attached document. The hosting school is also responsible for the coordination and implementation of the proceedings. For this, the hosting school will have to work tightly with the steering committee of the EAAE Council.
The Annual Conference and General Assembly is an excellent opportunity for the hosting school to achieve more visibility and take an active role in the promotion of the discourse concerning architectural education in the broader sense. If your school is interested in volunteering as host institution in 2024 or 2025, we kindly ask you to submit a letter of intent explaining your motivation as well as a draft budget (see the master budget ) and a proposal for a theme for the conference.
The deadline for AC/GA 2025 is until 01.06.2023. Please send your documents to the EAAE Secretariat via The Council will decide upon the bids in due time.
For your immediate questions, please feel free to contact the EAAE Secretariat.