Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nancy
Nancy, FR
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nancy

2 Rue Bastien Lepage
54001 Nancy cedex

N 48° 41' 45.07'', E 48° 41' 45.07''
 Mme Gaëlle PERRAUDIN  

t: + 33 (0)3 83 30 81 00
f: + 33 (0)3 83 30 81 30
Degree programmes
Faculty profile

The Nancy School of Architecture is located in the heart of the city, nearby the Place Stanislas (listed as part of UNESCO World Heritage). The school building is the work of Livio Vacchini, worldwide known Swiss architect

The school was the first edifice erected in the developing area of Rives-de-Meurthe, an area thought out by Alexandre Chemetoff. Situated on the bank of the Meurthe river channel, the school benefits from a remarkable location as it faces the old town.

Listed as part of UNESCO World Heritage, birthplace of the Prouvé family, the city of Nancy has a remarkable urban and architectural heritage.

Combined with Metz, where the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban designed the Centre Pompidou, the city gives a shape to a particularly dynamic urban region and gives a place to a wide network of higher educational institutes gathered within the University of Lorraine.

The Nancy School of Architecture is the only architecture school in the Lorraine region. It is a place of education which developed tight relations with the different educational partners in the region. The school takes part in a concentrated and varied partnership network including the National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine (INPL) and the University of Nancy. More broadly, the school is involved in international exchanges through the frame of Erasmus programs, international workshops or invitations to foreign teachers.

Tightly associating the studies of Arts and Sciences, the instruction at school gives a basic education in both practical and theoretical architecture skills. Acquiring the architectural know-how opens the way to the different practices of the profession such as architect, urban planner, landscape architect, designer, teacher, researcher. Moreover, it enables the students to acquire concepts, theoretical and practical knowledge in order to make them develop their autonomy, to conduce them to create their own methodology and to encourage them to experiment with their own tools how to analyze and construct spaces.

From public spaces planning to existing buildings redeployment, the project workshops, core of the architectural education, are exclusively linked to concrete territories and try to find an answer to real issues. The projects give the students the opportunity to experiment with professional situations and lead them to become open-minded architects in the future.

Being situated at less than 600 meters from the famous Stanislas Square (listed as part of UNESCO World Heritage), the Nancy School of Architecture is part of the great urban center. In this way, it symbolises a come-back by university to the urban environment but also the place that students must take in the city.

618 students (332 Bachelor, 274 Master, 12 PhD), 10% of foreign students.

119 staff members (36 full-time and approx. 83 visiting lecturers and critics).

Student Activities

- Vis-là dans tout ça - organises all through the year exhibits and shows in the fields of music, theatre and dance.

-Association Generale – has premises near the cafeteria and manages school and refreshment supplies, also organising various parties and outings throughout the year.

- Sports Association – proposes sports meetings and individual sports to students.

- Student ARCHI-MADE- created in 1991, this association offers to students the opportunity to take a look at profesionnal practices by work placement.


Photographic Studio
Media Lab
Furniture Shop
Engraving Lab


Please contact school for more information.

Admission Requirements

Diploma granting admission to university of technology in country of origin.

Tuition fees

Please contact school for more information.

Application Deadline


Bachelor, Bachelor of architecture, 3-year programme, Bachelor, 180,

The training garantees admission to all Master programmes.

Master, Master of Architecture, 2-year programme, Master, 120,

4 Fields: Architecture,Towns and Territories (AVT), Architecture Theory and Criticism (ATC), Architecture, History and Patrimony (AHP) and Architecture and Building Culture (ACC);

+ 3 masters in cooperation with universities: Architecture Modelisation Environment (AME), Architecture Wood Construction (ABC), Glass Design Architecture (VDA);

Master, Capacitation to the project management (HMONP), 1-year programme, Capacitation,

One additional year of study is needed to get the habilitation for the academically qualified architect to sign projects in his/her own name and enter the register of architects.

PhD, Architectural Sciences, 3-year programme, Doctorate,

Doctorate in Architectural Sciences (in cooperation with the University Henry Poincaré (UHP) and the National Polytechnical Institute of Lorraine (INPL))

The cursus is in three parts leading to three-year, five-year or eight-year diploma after the baccalaureat.

This stage (3 years) gives the bases for a solid culture in art history and space management, fundamental elements for conception-creation work in addition to training in the fields of sciences and techniques of construction which is essential for construction-production work.Graphical and technical applications get more concrete development during the second year which aims to give students conceptual, methodological and instrumental knowledge.

During this stage (2 years), training pursues the general teaching of conception-construction of space. It introduces the students to the school”s specific research fields (including the production of a thematic essay).

Capacitation to the project management (1 year – see before)


The school offers also the possibility of preparing third stage degrees other than the master degree, in partnership with other higher education etablishments:

-Master Architecture Modelisation Environment

This training offers a first year of research on modelisation and computer simulation of town planning and landscaping, not just from a theorical and methodic point of view but also from an applied one. The evolution of the factors relative to the building (materials, comfort, health, energy) or the level of design methods (cooperative work, remote project, integration design – construction …) are studied in order to deal with environmental approaches.

It also allows the students to carry on with their theses (formation doctorale Sciences de l”Architecture). The Nancy and the Strasbourg Schools of Architecture, the INSA Strasbourg (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) and the INPL are associated with the Henry Poincaré University (UHP) which is the principal member of the organisation.

-Master Architecture Wood Construction

This allows architects and engineers to acquire a double competence through an original cursus centered on science and techniques concerned in wood used in construction and architecture.

The principal organism for this degree is the National Superior School of Technology and Wood Industry (ENSTIB) at Epinal. The Nancy and the Strasbourg Schools of Architecture are associated with it.

– Master Glass Design Architecture

This training offers to the students the possibility to get competences about the knowledge, the use and the implementation of glass in art, design, architecture (from patrimony to skyscrapers) and industrial production, from small scale objects to architecture and urban planning. The life cycle of glass (from conception phase to implementation, maintenance, renovation, recycling) is also studied.

The Nancy School of Architecture and the INPL are the principal members of the organisation.

Architectural Sciences

The school offers the Ph.D. in Architectural Sciences in partnership with UHP and INPL. The training is designed to and by the research that is aimed at producing a deeper and broader understanding of the discipline of architecture as well as useful models, methods or tools for the architectural activity. This Ph. D. sets the skills to produce this knowledge through research methods and adapted protocols.

The doctoral research is conducted under the guidance of a H.D.R. professor (ability to conduct research), within one of the research laboratories of the school (MAP-CRAI laboratory) or in a training partner laboratory.

During the training, the Ph.D. student must follow 4 detailed units of study chosen among those offered by the Doctoral School dealing with the doctorate (currently IAEM of Lorraine).

Educational objectives:The aim is to learn and to implement the research methods which means establish a state of the art, shape a critical analysis, formalize a model, formulate hypothesis, develop experimental protocols, clarify a process, write an article.

Professional objectives: Doctoral training prepares for careers in teaching or research in architectural fields. It also brings a recognized high-level skill in the fields of architecture careers or in related jobs like the publishing of software for architecture, service delivery in digital imaging, assistance in project management.

Since its creation, the school has, in tight collaboration with other higher education establishments, shown through its research programm its real desire to contribute to the development of knowledge end technology in high quality education.

CRAI, Research Centre in Architecture and Engineering, is a laboratory of the MAP (FRE 3315 (Formation de recherche en évolution)), Modèles et simulations pour l’Architecture, l’urbanisme et le Paysage.Its projects deals with 3D modeling, simulation and computer imaging, the modelisation of the conception technique and of its computerised representation.

LHAC. Contemporary Architecture History Laboratory, studies, from a historical point of view, the ideas, values and trends of architecture in France, from the second half of the 19th century to the present day and the history of building and city planning in Lorraine and Nancy.