EAAE General Assembly
Dear Colleagues,
The EAAE General Assembly will take place on 30 August 2019 from 14.30–17.00 during the Annual Conference in Zagreb. Among other topics, the election of new Council Members will be on the agenda.
Full member schools that do not send a representative to the event have the possibility to designate a proxy holder who officially represents their school at the General Assembly. You can find the respective form and instructions following this link.
The registration for the Annual Conference is still open, to register please follow this link.
As mentioned in a prior newsletter, EAAE and SCHOSA sent a letter endorsed by RIBA to the European Commission regarding Brexit. The letter is now available online EAAE SCHOSA Letter. We will keep you posted on this.
On 1 September 2019, registration will open for the International VELUX award. Please encourage your students to participate.
We hope to see you in a few days in Zagreb!
Kind regards,
Oya Atalay Franck
President EAAE