January 21, 2021

Remote Teaching

Dear Colleagues,

Most of us are in the preparations of yet another online semester. We would therefore like to recommend you to participate in our Education Academy’s Workshop series focused on architectural design remote teaching issues. The workshops do not consist of paper presentations only, but also operate through working sessions based upon intensive debate among all participants in smaller groups. The Education Academy aims to be a platform and think-tank where concerns and best-practices all across Europe can be shared.

Our first EAAE Deans Summit will take place as planned on 22 and 23 April 2021 in an online format – after a year of postponement. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the challenges of leadership, decision and policy making – also in the context of the current situation – and to strengthen the networks among the EAAE deans. We thank AHO, the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, for its commitment to host the first Deans Summit, and we hope this will be the start of another long-lasting tradition. Further information will follow on our website soon.

With the aim of facilitating publishing efforts of our various activities, but also to make them more visible, searchable and relevant, we have teamed up with the Stichting Openaccess platform. We have thus established EAAE Publishings, an open access virtual space delivering some of the recent research outputs completed within EAAE-organized events, beginning with the proceedings of the Annual Conference 2019.

We are still very much engaged in the ongoing discussions about how to implement the New European Bauhaus initiative. Under the leadership of ACE, and in close collaboration with ELIA, we have been working on ideas and suggestions. In addition, EAAE has brought ARENA on board of the working group, ELIA has invited Culture Action Europe to join. With these organisations we have two more powerful partners who will support our cause. More information on how to get involved can be found here. Also follow us on social media for current news.

Please do not forget to register for our events:

Best regards,
Oya Atalay Franck
President EAAE


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