EAAE General Assembly 2017
40 years ago the EAAE was established as an organization serving European Schools of Architecture. We will meet in Bordeaux to celebrate, gain knowledge and exchange opinions. We are inviting all friends of the EAAE, and all professionals that have taken part in building the organization.
The programme has been finalized and published. You can download the agenda via this link:
Final agenda for the GA 2017
The concluding report of President Karl Otto Ellefsen to the General Assembly in Bordeaux is published. You can download the report via this link:
Final report to the GA 2017
The official annual documents of the Economy and Membership of EAAE have been finalized and published. You can download the reports via these links:
EAAE General assembly Bordeaux 2017 Economy final
EAAE Overview Annual Account 2017
The minutes of the council meeting can be found via this link:
Minutes General Assembly Bordeaux 01.09.2017
The presentation of EA at the General Assembly can be found via this link:
EAAE EA report GA Bordeaux 170830_for web
Photo album of the Jubilee Dinner
Photo album of the Conference
This is an important event for European Schools of Architecture: You get updated on what is happening in institutional development, research and education, we provide an excellent arena for discussion and networking, and the EAAE/AEEA celebrates its 40 years of existence. All of this can be enjoyed in the beautiful city of Bordeaux. During this event the EAAE/AEEA intends to look back on the history of the organization, to reflect on what is achieved, and to look forward and initiate new strategies and actions.
Also remember: The GA in Bordeaux will elect a new EAAE president and vice-president, and establish a new EAAE Council. You are all possible candidates.
Kind regards,
Karl Otto Ellefsen
EAAE President
1977-2017 this year the EAAE is celebrating its 40 years since its creation. 40 years of initiatives in service of the teaching and research of architecture in Europe, 40 years in the service of European Architecture schools and universities, 40 years of cultural exchanges and shared experiences to better understand and promote the contextual and cultural diversity in Europe.
Marché des Douves
4 rue des Douves
Bordeaux, France
European Association for Architectural Education in cooperation with ensapBx