Università degli Studi di Camerino
Scuola di Architettura e Design
Ascoli Piceno, IT
Università degli Studi di Camerino
Scuola di Architettura e Design
Piazza Cavour 19/f
62032 Camerino (MC)

N 42° 51' 10.37'', E 42° 51' 10.37''


 Massimo Sargolini  
Degree programmes
Faculty profile

Seven centuries after its foundation, the University of Camerino (UNICAM) is still young in spirit, still offering a setting of higher education, with structures on a human scale. You will find here a great sense of respect for the different ideas, backgrounds and cultures, and you as student, researcher or teacher offer a key contribution in creating a truly international atmosphere. Camerino is a safe, friendly place situated in a strategic geographical position in the green heart of Italy and not far from such well-known historical and touristic cities as Florence, Rome, Siena, Perugia. The city affords stunning views of the nearby Monti Sibillini National Park, one of the most beautiful in Italy.

The great literate and jurist Cino from Pistoia, living in Marche in the years 1319-21, and in Camerino in the spring of 1321, remembers the territory blooming with juridical schools. Camerino has been a center of learning since no later than 1200 offering degrees in civil law, canonical law, medicine and literary studies.More than 10.000 students attend the University of Camerino today distributed among 5 Faculties (Architecture, Pharmacy, Jurisprudence, Veterinary Medicine, Science and Technology), 13 departments and 5 campuses (Camerino, Ascoli Piceno, Matelica, Recanati, San Benedetto del Tronto).


UNICAM in collaboration with the municipality of Camerino and the ERSU (Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education) offers lodging in either university dormitories or in small apartments as well as assistance to students searching for housing in Camerino. Send an e-mail to  puntoinformativo@unicam.it  or call the free number: 800 054000.


Admission Requirements

Please contact university for further information.

Tuition fees

Please contact university for further information.

Application Deadline

Please contact university for further information.

Bachelor, Bachelor of Science [ Architecture ], 6 terms, Bachelor, 180,

Bachelor of Architecture; Bachelor of Industrial Design; Technologies of Conservation and Restauration

Bachelor, Master of Science, 4 termi, Master, 120,

-Master of Architecture

-Master of Design

-Ecological Design & Ecological Innovation

-Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Architecture

Bachelor, PhD of Architecture, 6 terms, Master, 180,

This is the first degree offered by the university. It is obtained with 180 credits and usually requires three years. It gives a basic theoretical understanding of the subject matter and is designed for smooth entrance into the job market. With the introduction of the three year bachelor degrees the traditional four and five year degrees and university diplomas are disappearing. The exceptions are degrees in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical technologies: these are five year masters degrees regulated by the European Union.

The specialization degree is a choice open to those with a bachelor degree. It is obtained with 120 credits and usually requires two years to complete. The specialization degree prepares the student for specific professions where elevated competence is required.

These are post bachelor certifications (master of 1o level) or post specialization degree certifications (master of 2o level). A master provides professional knowledge and know-how and is open also to the practicing professional who needs further qualifications. It is obtained with a minimum of 60 credits.

The Doctor of Philosophy degree represents the highest level of tertiary education. It lasts 3 or 4 years and is open only to those who have completed the specialization degree. Admission is by exam and is reserved for a limited number of students who will eventually receive the title of Phd.

They are post bachelor or post specialization-degree courses, that provide knowledge and know-how for the practice of specific professions. The length of study is at least 2 years and is completed with 300 to 360 credits. The student then receives a diploma of specialization.

UNICAM has recently instituted an international School of Advanced Studies with the objective of increasing the participation of foreign candidates in our PhD programs. Foreign candidates will receive preferential treatment in the awarding of PhD fellowships within the international School of Advanced Studies.

The PhD courses involve 3 years of study and research , with a final thesis that can be written in either English or Italian. Teaching activities mainly involve seminars and topical Short Courses; research experience in laboratories outside of Camerino is possible and actively encouraged. Approximately half of the students admitted to the PhD programs will be awarded fully paid fellowships; the other students will need to find external financial support (however, research costs will be met with internal funds).