December 13, 2018

#29 EAAE Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

We are proud to announce that the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University (CTU) will host the EAAE Annual Conference and General Assembly in 2020. The Faculty of Architecture of CTU has been a very supportive member school, engaged in numerous activities of EAAE and its council over many years. We are looking forward to a successful and influential event in Prague at the end of August/beginning of September 2020.

And with this, we would like to remind you that the registration for next year’s AC/GA, which will be held at the University of Zagreb from 28 to 31 August 2019, will be open very soon. The organizing team is preparing an inspiring programme around the conference’s topic ‘The Hidden School’. Make sure the dates are marked in your calendar and check regularly EAAE's homepage for more information.

Another year is coming to an end. 2018 has in many ways been a busy and productive year for EAAE. We would like to mention just a few highlights:

During the Annual Conference and General Assembly in Porto we had many fruitful discussions about topics that will shape EAAE’s upcoming activities – the new council started the work with a new modus to carry on its tasks. You can follow our work in progress in the minutes of the Council Meetings.

Our Academies were engaged in many future-oriented discussions: The Education Academy met in Gent, Madrid, Porto, Valencia and published a position paper (for which your valuable feedback is still highly appreciated, see this link. The Research Academy met in Gent, Aarhus, Madrid, Porto, Berlin, Zagreb also within the framework of CA2RE collaboration with ELIA and ARENA. The Conservation Network is about to finalise both the proceedings of Workshop 6 in 2017 and the call for the next workshop to be held in October 2019. Please keep an eye on their website to make sure not to miss any announcements.

We would like to thank all our partner schools for hosting the various meetings: We always felt very welcome!

Furthermore, please do not forget to submit your abstract and/or to register for the 2019 ACSA/EAAE Teachers’ Conference in Antwerp, Belgium, from 28 to 29 June.

Last but not least, we would like to draw your attention to the travelling exhibition of the YTAA Young Talent Architecture Award 2018. Please promote EAAE’s joint students’ award with Mies van der Rohe Foundation and ACE by bringing the exhibition to your schools. More information can be found here.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and
a very successful and happy New Year!


Oya Atalay Franck
President EAAE


EAAE News & Events

Call for Feedback for the “Education Academy Position Paper”

January 31, 2019


EAAE Annual Conference and General Assembly 2019 – Minutes online

August 28, 2019


the Practice of Teaching / the Teaching of Practice: the Teacher’s Hunch

June 27, 2019



Professor in the History of Architecture and Architectural Conservation
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
App deadline: December 17, 2018
Espoo, FI

Full time tenure-track professor of Architecture
IE School of Architecture & Design
App deadline: November 30, 2018
Segovia, ES

Faculty Tenure Track-9 Mo | Kent State University
Kent State University, College of Architecture and Environmental
App deadline: February 28, 2019
Kent, US

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