EAAE Online Guide

The EAAE Online Guide provides a comprehensive listing of European architecture schools as part of a permanently updated database of EAAE member schools. Schools can present all relevant information with individual characteristics, available courses, admission criteria, facilities, research topics and centres, contact coordinates, references to websites, etc. Each school is responsible for its presentation.

It is the ambition of the EAAE that this guide would become the main channel for anyone trying to contact other schools of architecture, staff members or students within Europe.

Our continent remains a patchwork of cultures and architectures on a Romanic, Germanic and Slavic template. Both students and staff can learn a great deal from this diversity of identities. The European Space does not mean to reduce all building styles and prowess to one common denominator, but quite contrary to acknowledge local influences and differences in culture, to appreciate them and learn how to come to grips with them in a creative, yet critical way. To get to know each other, to learn from each other is the true riches we get from international exchange. This guide provides the key to this intellectual challenge.


PDF guide archive

In 2003 and 2006 Professor Leen Van Duin and his staff at TU Delft took on a huge responsibility for research, updating and editing of the necessary data and published a paper copy of the guide. These volumes can be downloaded below.

Editor: Leen van Duin
Published by: EAAE, Delft 2006
ISBN 2-930301-29-5
Editor: Leen van Duin
Published by: EAAE, Delft 2003
ISBN 2-930301-04-x